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TOWN CLERK'S RECORDS 21 <br />SECOND ADJOURNED TOWN MEETING <br />March 21, 1921 <br />The meeting was called to order at <br />7:35 P. M. by the Moderator, Sydney <br />R. Wrightington. <br />Art. 10. On Motion of Waiter W. <br />Rowse, Article 10 was taken up, but <br />owing to the absence of Robert L. <br />Ryder, the mover of one of the amend- <br />ments thereto, it was voted to lay <br />Article 10 on the table at 7:36 P. M. <br />Art. 12. Under this article, Ed- <br />ward W. Taylor offered the following <br />motion, voted that the sum of $2000.- <br />00 be appropriated and assessed for <br />the further maintenance of the Fire <br />Department during the ensuing year, <br />the same to be spent under the direc- <br />tion of the Chief of the Depart- <br />ment. Extended remarks were made <br />by Edward W. Taylor and Fred H. <br />Moulton. <br />Robert H. Holt offered an amend- <br />ment, to reduce the amount of the <br />appropriation from $2000.00 to 81,- <br />000.00. This amendment was lost <br />by a rising vote taken at 8:28 P. <br />M. <br />After further discussion, the original <br />motion was put and carried by a vote <br />of 377 in the affirmative and 110 in the <br />negative at 8:37 P. M. <br />Art. 10. On motion of William <br />5. Scamman it was voted to take Art. <br />10 from the table. Robert L. Ryder <br />and Walter W. Rowse each with- <br />drew their amendments under this <br />article. A substitute motion was <br />offered by William S. Scamman. <br />Voted that the sum of 837,000.00 be <br />appropriated and assessed for main- <br />tenance of Highways for the ensuing <br />year, to be expended for the use of <br />Pay roll, Oil, Tarvia or Asphalt, <br />patching, cleaning and sundry ex- <br />penses. <br />Remarks made by Daniel J. O'Con- <br />nell and George W. Taylor. <br />At this time a susbstitute motion <br />was offered by George W. Taylor, <br />namely, Voted, that the sum of <br />$10,000.00 be appropriated and as- <br />sessed for the support of the High <br />way Department, that a committee <br />of three be appointed by the Modera- <br />tor to act with the Selectmen, to <br />study the needs o the Town in refer- <br />ence to its highways, and report to <br />this meeting before its final adjourn- <br />ment, its recommendations for a <br />comprehensive scheme of road build- <br />ing and maintenance: and that any <br />further appropriation for the use <br />of said Department be deferred until <br />the presentation of such report. <br />Remarks were made by Arthur E. <br />Horton, Walter W. Rowse, William <br />C. Stickel, Harry L. Coolidge and <br />Edwin A. Bayley. <br />Vote taken on Mr. Taylors' amend - <br />22 TOWN OF <br />meat was declared passed and ac- <br />cepted by the Moderator at 9:35 <br />P. M. <br />The motion as amended was then <br />voted and passed at 9:36 P. M. <br />The Committee appointed by the <br />Moderator is as follows: <br />George W. Taylor <br />Albert B. Tenney <br />Henry L. Wadsworth <br />Art. 15. On motion of Robert <br />H. Holt, the following votes were <br />passed. Voted, that the sum of <br />86500.00 be appropriated and asses- <br />sed for the Supression of Moths and <br />I nsects. <br />Remarks by Arthur E. Horton. <br />Vote passed at 9:43 P. M. <br />Art. 17. Voted that the sum of <br />83500.00 be appropriated and as- <br />sessed for Public Parks for 1921. <br />Voted passed at 9:44 P. M. <br />Art. 19. Voted that the sum of <br />8500.00 be appropriated and assessed <br />for widening and deepening brooks <br />for the improvement of surface drain- <br />age, to be expended by the Water <br />and Sewer Commissioners. <br />Vote passed at 9:46 P. M. <br />Art. 28. Voted, that the sum of <br />8500.00 be appropriated and assessed <br />for the celebration of April 19, 1921, <br />to, be expended by the Selectmen. <br />Vote passed at 9:47 P. M. <br />Art. 4. • Report of Committee on <br />By-laws. <br />LEXINGTON <br />Under this article, Mr. Frederick <br />L. Emery, Chairman of the Com- <br />mittee,to revise By-laws makes the <br />followig motion, as recommended <br />in their report on file, in the Clerk's <br />Office (Book 2 page 110). <br />Voted, that the Committee on By- <br />laws appointed last April be dis- <br />charged and that the former Com- <br />mittee on By-laws be reinstated, and <br />that the Town Clerk, Arthur W. <br />Hatch, be appointed on the committee <br />in place of Charles W. Swan, deceased, <br />and report as soon as possible. Vote <br />passed at 9:50 P. M. <br />The Committee on By-laws, as <br />voted under Article 4 consists of <br />Edwin A. Bayley <br />Arthur L. Blodgett <br />Arthur W. Hatch. <br />Art. 7. On Motion of George E. <br />Briggs, it was voted to take this <br />article from the table. On George <br />E. Briggs' substitute motion, ex- <br />tended remarks were made by George <br />E. Briggs, Edward P. Merriam, and <br />Hollis Webster in favor, and Frederick <br />L. Emery and William C. Stickel <br />against. A vote being taken, it was <br />voted, that the sum of $129,824.18 <br />be appropriated and assessed for the <br />support of Public Schools for the en- <br />suing year. <br />Vote in favor 236; opposed 223. <br />Vote passed at 10:35 P. M. <br />Art. 13. Voted, that the sum of <br />819, 600.00 be appropriated and as- <br />sessed for Interest for 1921. <br />Art. 13. Voted, that the sum of <br />