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TOWN CLERK'S RECORDS <br />ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING <br />March 14, 1921 <br />The meeting was called to order at <br />7:31 P. M. by Moderator Wrighting- <br />ton. <br />Art. 6. On Motion of Robert H. <br />Holt, Chairman of the Finance Com- <br />mittee, it was Voted, that the sum <br />of $250.00 be appropriated and as- <br />sessed for the proper observance of <br />Memorial Day, 1921 to be expended <br />under the direction of Post 119 Grand <br />Army of the Republic. <br />Art. 7. Under this article, Mr. <br />Holt offered the following Motion: <br />Voted,Lthat the sum of $120,824,18 <br />be appropriated and assessed for <br />the support of Public Schools for <br />the year 1921. <br />Mr. George E. Briggs offered as a <br />substitute Motion, Voted, that the <br />sum of $129,824.18 be appropriated <br />and assessed for the support of the <br />Public Schools for the ensuing year. <br />Motion of Mr. Fred L. Emery, to <br />lay the matter on the table was voted <br />and passed. <br />Vote taken Yes 190 No 164 <br />Art. 8. On motion of Robert H. <br />Holt, the following vote was offered: <br />Voted that the sum of $3000.00 <br />be appropriated and assessed for <br />the support of the poor at the Alms- <br />house for the ensuing year. <br />Mr. F. H. Moulton's motion to lay <br />the subject on the tablelwas voted <br />and passed, at 8:38 P. M. <br />19 <br />Art. 9. On Motion of Mr. Holt, it <br />was Voted, that the sum of $9000.00 <br />be appropriated and assessed for the <br />support of the outside poor for the <br />ensuing year. <br />Art. 11. On Motion of Robert <br />H. Holt, it was Voted, that the sum of <br />$11,000.00 be appropriated and as- <br />sessed for the support of street lights <br />for the ensuing year. <br />Art. 12. Mr. Robert H. Holt's <br />Motion, Voted that the sum of $19, <br />000.00 be appropriated and assessed <br />for the support of the Fire Depart- <br />ment for the ensuing year was lost <br />by vote at 9:20 P. M. <br />At 9:25 P. M. Mr. F. H. Moulton <br />moved a reconsideration of this nega- <br />tive vote, and it was so ordered at <br />9:30 P. M. <br />On Motion of Fred H. Moulton, <br />it was Voted, that the sum of $18,- <br />000.00 be appropriated and assessed <br />for the support of the Fire Depart- <br />ment for the ensuing year, and that <br />the Call Force of the Fire Department <br />be reduced to not more than twelve <br />men and that the Board of Engineers <br />be instructed to make such reductions <br />in the force of said Fire Department. <br />Art. 27. On Motion of Robert <br />H. Hoit, it was voted,j that the Town <br />Treasurer with the approval of the <br />Selectmen be and hereby is authorized <br />to borrow money from time to time <br />20 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />in anticipation of revenue for the <br />present municipal year, and to issue <br />a note or notes therefore, payable <br />within one year. <br />Any debt or debts incurred under <br />the vote to be paid from the revenue <br />of the present municipal year. <br />Art. 13. On Motion of Robert <br />H. Holt, Chairman of the Finance <br />Committee the following votes were <br />passed under Article 13. <br />Voted, that the sum of $75.00 be <br />appropriated and assessed for the <br />salary and expenses of the Secretary <br />of the Trustees of Public Trusts for the <br />ensuing year of which $50.00 is for <br />salary. <br />Voted, that the sum of $2540.00 be <br />appropriated and assessed for the <br />Assessors of 1921, of which $2200.00 <br />is for salaries of the Assessors. <br />Voted, that the sum of $6200.00 <br />be appropriated and assessed for the <br />support of the Cary Memorial Library <br />for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that 550.00 be appropriated <br />for the salary of the Dog Officer for <br />the ensuing year. <br />On Motion of Robert P. Clapp, it <br />was Voted to lay on the table the <br />further consideration at this time of <br />Article 13. <br />Art. 10. On Motion of Mr. Arthur <br />F. Hutchinson Article 10 was taken <br />up. Under this article, Mr. Robert <br />H. Holt offered the following motion: <br />Voted, that the sum of $23,860.00 be <br />appropriated and assessed for main- <br />tenance of Highways for the ensuing <br />year. <br />Motion by Mr. Walter W. Rowse, <br />that the motion under Article 10 <br />be postponed until a committee of <br />three, to be appointed by the Moder- <br />ator, report a comprehensive scheme <br />for road construction, said committee <br />to consist of those in sympathy with <br />such plan. <br />Motion by Robert L. Ryder, that <br />a committee of three be appointed to <br />act in co-operation with the Road <br />Commissioners in the expenditure <br />of any appropriation for the High- <br />ways for the ensuing year. <br />During the remarks, of Mr. Ryder, <br />a motion to adjourn by William H. <br />Burgess was made, for one week to <br />March 21, 1921 at 7:30 P. M. <br />The meeting so voted at 10.55 P. <br />M. <br />A true record, Attest: <br />ARTHUR W. HATCH, <br />Town Clerk. <br />Lexington, Mass., March 16, 1921. <br />This is to certify that I have this <br />day appointed Helen C. Gallagher, <br />Assistant Town Clerk of Lexington, <br />and that she has been sworn to per- <br />form the duties of said office to the <br />best'of her knowledge:and ability. <br />Attest: <br />ARTHUR W. HATCH, <br />Town Clerk. <br />