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TOWN OF LEXINGTON 11 <br />TOWN MEETING <br />February 18, 1924 <br />In the absence of the Moderator, the meeting was call - <br />rd to order by the Town Clerk at 7:30 P. M. <br />Reading of theWarrant was omitted. <br />On motion of Edwin A. Bayley, Edward- C. Stone was <br />elected temporary- Moderator, and duly sworn to the faith- <br />Pui performance of his duties. <br />Art, 3. Robert P. Clapp moved that Article 3 be taken <br />iii', for consideration. It was so voted. <br />On motion of Edwin A. Bayley, Article 3 was laid on <br />the table, by the following voted, Yes -193 No -141. <br />Art. 2. On motion of Frederick L. Emery, Article 2 <br />was taken up. Mr. Emery stated that since the printed <br />report of the Planning Board had been published and dis- <br />tributed to the voters, the Board had made a number of <br />changes and alterations in the report, and would submit <br />.an amended copy for the consideration of the voters. Mr. <br />Emery explained the reason for the alterations, and ans- <br />wered all questions asked. <br />On motion of Edwin A. Bayley, Mr. Edward T. Hart- <br />man the expert, who had been employed and working with <br />the Planning Board was given the priviledge of the floor. Mr, <br />Hartman answered questions and cited many towns and <br />el;rees where the zoning by-laws were in effect, similar to <br />the ones proposed by the Planning Board for Lexington. <br />Mr. Emery offered the following motion. <br />VOTED: that the Code of By -Laws of the Town of Lex- <br />ington be amended by the addition of a new article, entitled <br />ARTICLE XXXI. (31) <br />Mr. William R. Greeley spoke in favor of zoning and <br />stated it was not a fad, giving many examples in Mass- <br />aehnsetts and elsewhere where it had been tried out and <br />proved successful. <br />A general discussion under this motion followed by <br />many citizens speaking. <br />While Patrick Flynn was speaking, B. H. Bashian raised <br />a point of order. that the speaker was not speaking to the <br />:'uestion. The Moderator ruled the point well taken and <br />chat the speaker was out of order. The Moderator stated <br />that he should enforce the ten minute rule, this being the <br />12 ANNUAL REPORT <br />length of time a voter may speak, unless recognized again <br />by the Moderator. Among other speakers on the question <br />Were Neil McIntosh, W. T. Wadman, E. A. Bayley and <br />Henry D. Love. Mr. Love was in favor of more territory <br />10J' manufacturing. Put in more manufacturers and cut <br />the tax rate in halves. <br />Edwin A. Bayley offered the following substitute <br />motion under Article 2. <br />VOTED:. That the report of the Planning Board, to- <br />gether with the proposed by-law for dividing the town into <br />zones with reference to the construction and use of buildings <br />therein. be referred for further consideration and report to a <br />committee composed of the Planning Board and the follow- <br />ing six other citizens, namely: Wesley T. Wadman, Dwight <br />F. Kilg'our, Clarence H. Cutler, Edgar W. Harrod, Bartlett <br />J. Harrington and Neil McIntosh, such committee to give <br />such public hearing's as it may deem necessary and to make <br />, its report to the town as soon as possible. <br />John 11. Ilurlburt raised a point of order that in the <br />choosing by nomination of a committee from the floor no <br />person shall nominate more than one member of such com- <br />mittee. The Moderator ruled that under Article XIII, Sec- <br />tion 1 of the By-laws the point of order was not sustained. <br />Mr. Bayley read from some correspondence between <br />h m,eelf and Ex. Gov. John L. Bates one of the best author- <br />ities on parlimentary laws. in which an interpretation and <br />ruling on Section 1. Article XIII of the Code of By laws of <br />1922 df the Town of Lexington was requested and answered. <br />Mr. Bates stated that this section was sound in prin- <br />ciple and under it a person could on motion, nominate as <br />many persons on a committee as he desired. This decision <br />thus sustains the ruling just made by Mr. Stone our <br />Moderator. <br />Further remarks in favor of Mr. Bayleys' substitute <br />were made by William J. Marshall, Wesley T. Wadtnan and <br />Patrick Flynn. <br />Robert P. Clapp offered the following amendment to <br />Mr. Bayley's substitute motion, Voted: That such Com- <br />:nitte consider the advisability of substituting for Section <br />19 of the Planning Boards' draft the following, viz: <br />"Section 19. Existing Buildings. Any building or <br />part of a building which at the time of the adoption of this <br />by-law is being put to a non -conforming use may continue to <br />be used for the same purpose or one not substantially dif- <br />ferent and may be repaired rebuilt or structurally altered ; <br />nut no such building shall be extended or enlarged except <br />