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TOWN OF LEXINGTON 109 <br />Section 24. Enforcement. Except as otherwise pro- <br />vided, this by-law shall be administered by the building in- <br />spector. He shall approve no application of any kind, plans <br />and specifications and intended use for which are not in all <br />respects in conformity with this by-law. <br />Section 2.5. Occupancy Permit. No building erected, <br />altered or in any way changed as to construction or us:: <br />under a permit or otherwise, shall be occupied or used with- <br />out an occupancy permit signed by the building inspector, <br />which permit shall not be issued until the building and its <br />uses and accessory uses comply in all respects with this <br />by-law. <br />Section 26. • Appeals. Any person aggrieved by the <br />refusal of the building inspector to issue a permit on ac- <br />count of the provisions of this by-law or any person who is <br />aggrieved by the issuance of a permit or by a decision of tae <br />building inspector made under the provisions of this by-law, <br />may by giving the building inspector and the board of appeal <br />notice in writing within ten days from the date of the is- <br />suance of the permit or of the decision appealed from, ap- <br />peal to the selectmen, or to such officer, board, commission of <br />committee as shall be appointed or designated by the select- <br />men to act as a board of appeal, who shall give notice and a <br />public hearing before rendering a decision, and record al <br />decisions and the reasons .therefor. <br />• <br />Section 27. Amendment. The planning board, upon <br />petition signed by fifty per cent in valuation of the pron- <br />erty affected, or upon its own initiative, shall hold public <br />hearings, fourteen days' published notice of which shall be <br />given, for the consideration of any amendments to this by- <br />law, and report to the Town its recommendations as to what <br />action should be taken. <br />Section 28. The invalidity of any section or pro- <br />visions of this by-law shall not invalidate any other sec- <br />tion or provision thereof. <br />Section 29. This by-law shall take effect upon its ap- <br />proval by the Attorney General and publication according <br />to law. <br />Y <br />110 ANNUAL REPORT <br />• MAJORITY REPORT OF THE <br />PLANNING BOARD AND <br />CONFERENCE COMMITTEE <br />Presenting a proposed amendment to the By -Laws of <br />Lexington to provide for Establishing Manufacturing, Busi- <br />ness and Residential Zones. <br />This report refers to the subject matter of Article 2 <br />in the Warrant for Special Town Meeting called for Feb- <br />ruary 18, 1924. <br />To the Citizens of Lexington:— <br />At the special town meeting held on the evening of <br />February 18th, the Planning Board formally presented its <br />report recommending the passage of a by-law to provide <br />for zoning the town into manufacturing, business and resi- <br />dential districts. The Board had been at work upon the <br />subject for many months, had given three public hearings, <br />and had conferred with numerous individual citizens, and <br />the by-law then presented contained what appeared to meet <br />the prevailing desire of the townspeople. <br />It was clearly stated at each of the hearings and again <br />in town meeting, that the sole purpose of the Planning <br />Board was to offer a by-law that would express the wish <br />of the citizens. So when, at the special meeting in question, <br />a vote was passed referring the whole matter back to a com- <br />mittee composed of the Planning Board and six other citi- <br />zens for further consideration and report, the Board, while <br />disappointed at the prospect of beginning all over again, <br />was perfectly willing to do so if there was any possible <br />chance of obtaining a fuller expression of the sentiment <br />of'the town, or if the proposed by-law could be improved in <br />any substantial particulars. <br />The Board and the Conference Committee met prompt- <br />ly and organized by the election of the chairman and clerk <br />respectively of the Planning Board to the positions of chair- <br />man and clerk of the enlarged committee. Several joint <br />meetings have been held supplemented by numerous per- <br />sonal conferences between committee members. Pursuant <br />to the suggestion of the vote establishing the Committee, <br />an additional public hearing was given in Town Hall to <br />obtain further expressions of opinion from the citizens. <br />