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TOWN OF LEXINGTON 63 <br />Art, 14. To see if the Town will appropriate and as- <br />sess the sum of $500 or any other surn of money for the <br />celebration of the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of <br />the Battle of Lexington, or act in any manner relating <br />thereto. <br />Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant <br />with your doings thereon, to the 'Lown Clerk, on or before <br />the time of said meeting. <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this sixteenth <br />day of June, A. D., 1924. <br />ALBERT H. BURMIAM, <br />J. CHESTER HUTCHINSON, <br />FRED H. MOULTON, <br />THEODORE A. CUSTANCE, <br />CHARLES H. MILES, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />A true copy. Attest: <br />JAMES J. SULLIVAN <br />Constable of Lexington <br />Lexington, Mass. June 19, 1924. <br />To the Town Clerk: - <br />1 have notified the inhabitants of Lexington by posting <br />printed copies of the foregoing warrant in the Post-Otfice <br />-and in the vestibule of the Town Hall and in six other public <br />places in the town, and by mailing a printed copy of the <br />same to every registered voter in the town, seven days be- <br />fore the time of said meeting. <br />Attest: <br />JAMES J. SULLIVAN <br />Constable of Lexington. <br />64 <br />ANNUAL REPORT <br />TOWN MEETING <br />June 26, 1924 <br />The meeting was called to order at 8 P. M. by Moder. <br />ator Robert 11. Holt. <br />Art. 1. William H. Ballard, Chairman of the School <br />Building Committee, read the report of the committee. <br />(See Committee Reports Book 2 Pg. 233). <br />On motion of Mr. Ballard it was voted that the report <br />of the committtee be accepted and placed on file. <br />It was then voted that Articles 2 and 3 be taken up <br />together. <br />Art. 2. & 3. On motion of William H. Ballard it was <br />unanimously, `Voted; That there be raised and appro- <br />priated the sunt of $480,000. Said sum to include the <br />$13,000. appropriated at the Town Meeting held .March <br />10, 1924 for School Building purposes. the same to be <br />raised in the levy of the current year, for the purpose of <br />constructing an addition to anti- remodelling the present <br />high school building including the purchase of original <br />equipment and furnishings for the same, and for the con- <br />struction of an addition to the Parker School Building <br />so-called, including original equipment and furnishings of <br />said addition; and to meet said appropriation that there <br />be raised in the levy of the current year the sum of $35,000. <br />as required by Chapter 294, Acts. 1924, and that the Treas- <br />urer, with the approval of the Selectmen be and hereby <br />is authorized to borrow the sum of $350,000. under authority <br />of and in accordance with the provision of said Chapter <br />294, so that the whole loan shall be paid in not more than <br />fifteen year;, from the date of issue of the first bond or nr,te, <br />or at such earlier dates as the Treasurer and Selectmen <br />may determine; and that there be raised in the levy of the <br />current year the sum of $3500, to meet the requirements <br />of Chapter 338. Acts of 1923, and that the Treasurer with <br />the approval of the Selectmen. be and hereby is author- <br />ized to borrow the sum of $91,540. under authority and in <br />accordance with the provisions of Chapter 44, General <br />Laws. and to issue bonds or notes of the Town therefor, <br />said bonds or notes to be payable in accordance with <br />Chapter 44. so that the whole loan shall be paid in not <br />more than twenty years from the date of issue of the first <br />