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T.`.v i; vF LEXTNC>'S!?N <br />reed fur the pmpose of obtaining bettor surface drainage <br />by clearing and deepening where nccessal'5 , :brooks and <br />streams in the town, the. money to be appropriated and <br />assessed for the care of 5rooks." <br />ART. --241: On motion of Albert H. Burnham it was <br />unanimously; "VOTED, that the subject of garbage col- <br />lection. cost of handling and disposal of same be further in- <br />vestigated by a committee of three citizens; they to deter- <br />mine upon the advisability of caring for this class of public <br />service by contract or by day labor forces, and to report <br />their findings and cost to the town not later than May 1st." <br />ART. 27. Under this article John Calder offered the <br />following motion: <br />"VOTED, that the Town authorize its Counsel to take <br />'the necessary steps to procure legislature authority to bor- <br />row •i5t)0.000 outside the limits of the statutory limit of in- <br />c'e']tedness for the purpose of constructing schoolhouses mi <br />additions to schoolhouses." <br />Fred H. Moulton felt that this was such an important <br />matter that considerable thought should be given to it. <br />William C. Stickel moved that the meeting adjourn. <br />The vote to adjourn Ling doubted by twenty voters, a <br />rising vote was taken with the following result: <br />152 A (Th'mative <br />131 Negative <br />The motion to adjourn was lost. <br />Mr. Calder's motion was then unanimously- passed. <br />Robert P. Clapp moved that the report of the Commit- <br />tee os Increased School Accommodations circulated with <br />the Annual Town Warrant be accepted and placed on file <br />and that the same be printed in the next Town Report. <br />ART. 28. On motion of John Calder, it was voted <br />unanimously; "That the Town authorize the Moderator to <br />appoint a Building Committee of Seven, of which three <br />shall be the School Committee, to secure architects' plans <br />and contractors' bids for a new High School Building and <br />an addition of lour rooms to Parker School on substantially <br />the plans es recommended h}' the Co:nmittee of Seven on <br />Increased Schoo] Accommodations." <br />It nen also "VOTED that the Town appropriate and <br />assess the snlo of $1 g.000 to cover the expenses of the <br />School Brill -ling Committee's work up to and including the <br />srenring cif plans and bids for the program already author- <br />ized. <br />34 <br />ANNUAL REPORT <br />It was voted to adjourn the meeting at 11.10 P. M. to <br />Monday. Mareh 17, 1924, at 7.30 P. M. <br />A true record, Attest: <br />JOHN H. KANE <br />TOWN CLERK <br />