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TOWN OF LEXINGTON 19 <br />gyre for authority to borrciw .ac: ay outside the statutory <br />limit of indebtedness for the purpose of eonstructng school- <br />houees or additions to schoolhouses, or act in any manner <br />relating thereto. <br />Art. 28. To see if the Town will appoint a 'Building <br />Committee of Seven of which three shall be the School <br />Committee to secure architect's plans and contractor's bids <br />for a new High School Building and an addition of tour <br />rooms to the Parker School on substantially the plans as <br />recomemended by the Committee en Increased School Ac- <br />commodations and provide by appropriation and assess- <br />ment, or otherwise, the money necessary for .such purpose, <br />or take any other action relative thereto. <br />Art. 29. To see what action, if any, the Town will <br />take with reference to the disposal of its garbage, refusi1 <br />and offal by contract or otherwise, or act in any manlier <br />relating thereto. <br />Act. 30. To see if the Town will vote to construct a <br />water main in Bennett and Tarbel] Avenues a distance of <br />about g0u feet make an appropriation fur same or act in any <br />other manner relating thereto. <br />Act. 31. To hear the report of the Committee appoint- <br />ed with reference to repairs on the Stone Building; and to <br />see if the Town will vote to accept the recommendation of <br />the Comr;ittee, and if so, to see if the Torvn will vote to <br />provide the necessary funds therefore by appropriating, <br />or borrowing the same on the notes or bonds of the Town. <br />or act in any manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 32, To receive the report of the committee on the <br />revision of the Building Law, appropriate money for the <br />publication of same, or take any action relating thereto. <br />Art. 33. To see if the Town will vote to install a water <br />main in Sprint Street from Middle Street, southwesterly <br />a distance of 1100 feet. appropriate money for the same by <br />bond issue, or otherwise, or take any action relating thereto. <br />Art. 34. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate <br />funds for the purchase of a tract of land containing gravel <br />and sand for use on the To‘r"n highways. and to provide <br />same by the issuance of bonds, notes or by direct appropri- <br />ation, of by any or all of such methods or to take any other <br />action relating thereto. <br />Art. 35. To hear the report of the committee on the <br />Memorial Honor IIoll, take action thereon and make an an - <br />20 ANNUAL REPORT <br />propriation not exceeding four hundred dollars in accord- <br />ance therewith. <br />Art. 36. To see if the Town, upon the report and re- <br />commendation of the Planning Board, or otherwise, will vote <br />to amend the By -Laws of the town by adding thereto one or <br />more articles for restriction of particular classes of build- <br />ings and buildings to be used for particular purposes to and <br />for excluding' them from specified districts or zones, of the <br />town, under the provisions of Chapter 10, Sections 25 to 30 <br />inclusive, and Chapter 143, Section 3, of the General Laws <br />of Massachusetts, or act in any manner in relation thereto. <br />Hereof, fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, <br />with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, on or before <br />the time of said meeting. <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this twelfth day <br />of February, A. D., 1924. <br />WILLTAM S. SCAMMAN, <br />IIALLTE C. BLAPT, <br />ALBERT H. RURNHAIL. <br />J. CHESTER HITTCIITNSON. <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />A true cony. Attest: CHARLES E. WHEELE'It. Const- <br />able of Lexington. <br />