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1:3 • <br />TOWN CLERK'S RECORDS <br />Town Debt for the ensuing year the sum <br />of $5000.00 to be transferred from "Gen- <br />,eral Revenue and Surplus Account" on <br />the books of the town. <br />Voted, that it is the desire of the Town <br />that the Assessors, in fixing the tax rate, <br />use estimated receipts on account of de- <br />partmental aecounts to an amount not ex- <br />ceeding the amount received during the <br />preceding year, as provided by Section <br />37, Part 1, Chapter 490 of the Aets of <br />'1909. <br />Voted, that the sum of $2300.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Assessors' <br />Department for the ensuing year, of <br />which the sum of $1900.00 is for salaries <br />of the Assessors. <br />Voted, that the sum of $150.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Board of <br />Survey for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $50.00 be appro- <br />priated and assessed for the care of the <br />Bacon Real Estate for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $4700.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Cary <br />Memorial Library for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $50.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Dog <br />Officer for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of *700.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Elections and <br />Registrations for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $450.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Forest Fires <br />for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $5.00 be appro- <br />priated and assessed for the rare of <br />Hastings Park for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1725.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Board of <br />Health for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $200.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for salary of <br />Inspector of Cattle far the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $550.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for use of the <br />Inspector of Buildings for the ensuing <br />year, of which amount $500.00 shall be for <br />salary of the Inspector. <br />Voted, that the sum of $3000.00 he ap- <br />• <br />propriated and assessed for Insurance <br />count for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1000.00 be ap- e: <br />propriated and assessed for the Law <br />Account for the ensuing year, of which <br />the sum of $500 is for the salary of the.. <br />Town Counsel. <br />Voted, that the sum of $11,150.00 be <br />appropriated and assessed for the Poliee <br />Department for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $100.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Planning <br />Board for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $150.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Sealer of <br />Weights and Measures for the ensuing <br />year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1800.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Selectmen <br />for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $800.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the care of <br />the Stone Building for the ensuing year, <br />of which the sum of $400.00 is for salary <br />of the caretaker. <br />Voted, t}iat the sum of $1500.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Removal <br />of Snow for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $50.00 be appro- <br />priated and assessed for salary of the <br />Treasurer of Library for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $50.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed far salary of <br />Clerk of the School Committee for the en- <br />suing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $75.00 be appro. <br />printed and assessed for salary of Secre- <br />tary of the Trustees of Publie Trusts for <br />the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $300.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for salary of <br />Overseers of the Poor for the ensuing <br />year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $300.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for salary of the <br />Road Commissioners for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $100.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Soldiers' Re- <br />lief account for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $2000.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for account of <br />TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />Tax Collector for the ensuing year, of <br />which the sum of $1600.00 is for salary <br />of the Tax Collector. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1500.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for account of <br />Town Treasurer for the ensuing year, of <br />which the sum of $1100.00 is for salary of <br />the Town Treasurer. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1000.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the Tree <br />Warden for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $100.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for salary of <br />Town Physician for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $500.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Town Reports <br />'for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $10.00 be appro- <br />priated and assessed for care of the Town <br />Seales for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $3000.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for care of the <br />Town Hall for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1525.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for account of <br />Town Clerk for the ensuing year, of which <br />the sum of $1400.00 is for salary of the <br />Town Clerk. All fees of his office re- <br />ceived by the Town Clerk are to be re- <br />tained by him. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1500.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for account of <br />Town Aceountant for the ensuing year, of <br />which the sum of $1400.00 is for salary of <br />the Town Accountant. <br />Voted, that the sum of $250.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Unclassified <br />Account for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $100.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Vocational <br />Schools account for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $400.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for care of the <br />Village Hall for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $50.00 be appro- <br />priated and assessed for Vital Statistics <br />account for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $100.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Watering <br />Troughs for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $15,45110 be <br />appropriated and assessed for interest for <br />the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $37,650.00 be <br />appropriated and assessed for Town Debt <br />for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $1300.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Cemeteries. <br />for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the balance standing to the <br />credit of Cemeteries on the books of the <br />Town, $484.75 at close of business Decem- <br />ber 31, 1918, be -appropriated for Ceme- <br />teries for the ensuing year. <br />Voted, that the sum of $2050.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for Hydrant <br />rental for the ensuing year. <br />Art. 36. Voted, that the sum of $500.00 <br />be appropriated and assessed for pur- <br />chase of certificates for Lexington Citi- <br />zens who have served in the United States <br />Forces in the World War, and who have <br />been, or may be honorably discharged <br />from such service. <br />Art. 39. It was voted that this article <br />relative to the termini of Winthrop Road, <br />Highland Avenue and Vine Brook Road <br />be laid on the table until such time as <br />plans may be prepared to show the pro- <br />posed changes. <br />Art. 34. Voted, that the sum of $2500.00 <br />be appropriated and assessed for the use <br />of the Water Department, to be expended <br />by the Water and Sewer Commissioners. <br />RESOLUTION <br />Art. 36. "Resolved that the citizens of <br />the Town of Lexington in town meeting <br />assembled hereby reeord our deep appre- <br />ciation of the patriotic services of those <br />of our fellow -citizens who have been en- <br />rolled in the Military or Naval Service of <br />the United States in the World War; that <br />we rejoice to welcome them as they return <br />home and that we desire to assist them to <br />re-enter the pursuits of civil life; and be <br />it further resolved that in token of our <br />grateful recognition of the services they <br />have rendered we hereby authorize and <br />request our Board of Selectmen to join <br />with the Welcome Home Committee of <br />