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TOWN CLERK'S RECORDS <br />ANNUAL TOWN ELECTION <br />March <br />The meeting was called to order at <br />seven o'clock by Moderator Bayley. <br />The Clerk proceeded to read the War- <br />rant but it was voted that the further <br />reading be omitted. The Constable's re- <br />turn on the Warrant was read. <br />Charles G. Kauffmann and Ralph H. <br />Marshall were sworn as Ballot Clerks, <br />and James A. Hurley and John J. Gar- <br />rity as Deputy Ballot Clerks, and the <br />polls declared opened. <br />Samuel B. Bigelow, Patrick F. Dacey, <br />William E. Mulliken, Bartlett J. Har- <br />rington, Allston M. Redman, Fred E. <br />Butters, William C. O'Leary and Na- <br />thaniel Nunn were sworn as Tellers. <br />At ten o'clock 200 ballots were taken <br />from the box; at three -twenty o'clock <br />250 ballots were taken out, and at the <br />close of the polls 98 ballots were re- <br />moved from the box, making a total of <br />548 ballots. The same number of names <br />were checked on each voting list. The <br />dial on the ballot box registered 561. <br />Ten women voted for School Commit- <br />tee. After the votes had been counted, <br />the' Town Clerk announced the result as <br />follows: <br />Total Vote 548 <br />Town Clerk <br />Charles W. Swan 494 <br />Blanks 54 <br />Charles W. Swan was deelared elected. <br />Selectmen !for Three Years <br />Jay 0. Richards 459 <br />Blanks 89 <br />Jay 0. Richards was declared elected. <br />Overseer of the Poor for Three Years <br />Jay 0. Richards 442 <br />Blanks 106 <br />Jay 0. Richards was declared elected. <br />3, 1919 <br />Road Commissioner for Three Years <br />Jay 0. Richards 438 <br />Blanks 110 <br />Jay 0. Richards was declared elected. <br />Assessor for Three Years <br />Frederick J. Spencer <br />All others <br />Frederick <br />elected. <br />443 <br />2 <br />J. Spencer was declared <br />Town Treasurer <br />George D. Harrington <br />Blanks <br />George D. Harrington was <br />elected. <br />464 <br />84 <br />declared <br />Collector of Taxes <br />Byron C. Earle 474 <br />Blanks 74 <br />Byron C. Earle was declared elected. <br />Water and Sewer Commissioner <br />Edwin B. Worthen <br />J. E. A. Mulliken <br />Blanks <br />Edwin B. Worthen was <br />elected. <br />Cemetery Committee <br />,lames F. McCarthy <br />John E. A. Mulliken <br />Ali others <br />Blanks <br />John E. A. <br />elected. <br />438 <br />1 <br />109 <br />declared <br />237 <br />264 <br />4 <br />43 <br />Mulliken was deelared <br />School Committee <br />George E. Briggs 448 <br />Blanks 110 <br />George E. Briggs was deelared eleeted. <br />1 <br />LL'fyi <br />TOWN OF LEXINGTON, <br />Board of Health <br />Charles H. Franks <br />Blanks <br />Charles H. Franks was declared <br />elected. <br />Blanks <br />429 Charles H. Franks and Patrick J. Ma - <br />119 guire were declared elected. <br />Moderator <br />Joseph R. Cotton 419 <br />All others 4 <br />Blanks 125 <br />Park Commissioner <br />J. Odin Tilton <br />All others <br />Blanks <br />415 <br />2 <br />131 <br />J. Odin Tilton was declared elected. <br />Tree Warden <br />Alfred E. Robinson <br />Blanks <br />Alfred E. Robinson <br />elected. <br />Constables <br />Charles H. Franks <br />Patrick J. Maguire <br />Jim Sullivan <br />419 <br />129 <br />was declared <br />406 <br />421 <br />1 <br />Joseph R Cotton was deelaredeelected. <br />Planning Board <br />C. S. Ryan <br />W. R. Greeley <br />All others <br />Blanks <br />C. S. Ryan and <br />declared elected. <br />147 <br />140 <br />19 <br />790 <br />W. R. Greeley were <br />Shall license be granted for the sale <br />of intoxicating liquors in this town t <br />Yes 153 <br />Na 320 <br />Blanks 75 <br />And the town voted no license. <br />ADJOURNED ANNUAL MEETING <br />March 10, 1919 <br />The meeting was ealled to order at 7.30 <br />o'clock by Moderator Cotton. <br />Art. 6. On motion of Hallie C. Blake, <br />it was Voted, that. the sum of $67,500.00 <br />be appropriated and assessed for the sup- <br />port of the Public Schools during the en- <br />suing year. <br />Art. 9. On motion of William S. Seam - <br />man, it was Voted, that the sum of <br />$34,900.00 be appropriated and assessed <br />for the support of the Highways for the <br />ensuing year, to be expended under the <br />direction of the Highway Commissioners, <br />to include all amounts received from the <br />Street Railway Excise Tax. <br />Art. 11. On motion of William S. Scam - <br />man, it was Voted, that the sum of $14,- <br />962.00 is hereby appropriated for support <br />of the Fire Department, to be expended <br />under the direction of the Board of En- <br />gineers. <br />Art. 31. On motion of William S. Scam - <br />man, it was Voted, that the Town Treas- <br />urer with the approval of the Selectmen <br />be and hereby is authorized to borrow <br />money front time to time in anticipation <br />of revenue of the present municipal year <br />to an amount not exceeding in the aggre- <br />gate $200,000 and to issue a note or notes <br />therefor payable within one year. Any <br />debt or debts incurred under this vote to <br />be paid from the revenue of the present <br />municipal year. <br />Art. 12. On notion of Arthur L. Blod- <br />gett, Chairman of the Finance Committee, <br />the following votes were passed under <br />article 12:— <br />Voted, that there be appropriated for <br />