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1 TOWN CLERK EI RECORDS x: <br />'i i of Agriculture and Home Economies, or <br />act in any manner relative thereto. <br />Fa'a Art. 31. To see if the Town will author- <br />• ize their Treasurer, under the direction of <br />the Selectmen, to borrow money for any <br />necessary purposes, in anticipation of <br />' revenue for the current year, the same <br />to be repaid directly from the proceeds of <br />said revenue, or set in any manner rela- <br />tive thereto. <br />Art. 32. To see if the Town will vote to <br />accept the widenings and alterations made <br />by the Selectmen on the following named <br />streets, or any of them, and establish the <br />same es parts of the highways, or act in <br />any manner relating thereto: <br />1. Lincoln Street, or northerly side, <br />from a point at or near the junction with <br />the State Road to a point nearly opposite <br />Weston Street. <br />2. At the junction of Lincoln and Mid- <br />dle Streets. <br />3. At the junction of Hancock and <br />Adams Streets. <br />4. At the junction of Merriam Street <br />and Somerset Road. <br />5. Hancock Street at a point easterly <br />from its junction with Bedford Street. <br />Art. 33. To see if the Town will make <br />an appropriation for the celebration of <br />April 19, or act in any manner relative <br />thereto. <br />Art. 34. To appropriate money for the <br />use of the Water Department, and to pro- <br />vide same by the issuance of Bonds or <br />Notes or by direct appropriation, or to <br />take any other action relative thereto. <br />Art. 35. To appropriate money for the <br />use of the Sewer Department, and to pro- <br />vide same by the issuance of Bonds or <br />Notes or by direct appropriation, or to <br />take any other action relative thereto. <br />Art. 36. To see if the Town will make an <br />appropriation for the purchase of certifi- <br />cates or medals to be presented to Lexing- <br />ton citizens who have served in the United <br />States Forces in the World War, and who <br />have been, or may be honorably dis- <br />eharged from such service, or act in any <br />manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 37. To see if the Town will accept <br />a deed from the Boston and Maine RR. <br />conveying to the Town the parcel of land <br />located in front of the railroad station <br />and commonly known as "Depot Park," <br />under conditions named by the railroad <br />company, or aet in any manner relative <br />thereto. <br />Art. 38. To see if the Town will make <br />an appropriation sufficient to meet the ex- <br />penses of the collection and removal of <br />garbage and ashes, or act in any manner <br />relative thereto. <br />Art. 39. To see if the Town will vote to <br />change the termini of the following <br />streets, vis: Winthrop Road, Highland <br />Avenue and Vine Brook Road, or act in <br />any manner relative thereto. <br />Art. 40. To see if the Town will author- <br />ize the Selectmen to act with the Select- <br />men of Arlington in establishing a name <br />for the public way running from Lowell <br />Street to the Arlington line and con- <br />tinuing into the Town of Arlington, or acs <br />in any manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 41. To see if the Town will vote to <br />establish a name for the public way in <br />the southwesterly part of the Town lead- <br />ing from Concord Avenue southwesterly <br />to the Lincoln town tine, the same being <br />a continuation of a road in Lincoln run- <br />ning along the base of Mt. Tabor. <br />Art. 42. To see if the Town will author- <br />ize the Selectmen to procure plans and es- <br />timates for a new fireproof vault and <br />for a rearrangement of the Town of8ee, <br />and make a small appropriation therefor. <br />Art. 43. To see if the Town will vote to <br />accept the widening and alteration made <br />by the Selectmen on the easterly side of <br />Bedford Street northerly from its june- <br />tion with Elm Avenue and establish the <br />same as a part of the highway, or act in <br />any manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 44. To see if the Town will vote to <br />transfer from the aceount "Special Re- <br />serve" (Overlay Balance 1916) the sum <br />of 4238.54 and from the account "Overlay <br />1918" the sum of $596.22 both to the ac- <br />count "Overlay 1917" overdrawn to the <br />amount of these transfers $834.76. <br />til•:. <br />ta <br />TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />Art. 45. To see if the Town will provide <br />a better and sufficient outlet for Vine <br />Brook from Massachusetts Avenue east- <br />erly to a point about 1500 ft. distant and <br />grant money for the same, or aet in any <br />manner relating thereto. ' <br />Art. 46. To see if the Town will vote <br />to accept Sections twenty-one to twenty- <br />five, both inclusive, of Chapter 78 of the <br />Revised Laws of Massachusetts relating to <br />the election and establishment of Boards <br />of Cemetery Commissioners or take any <br />action relative thereto. <br />Art. 47. To see if the Town will vote to <br />elect a Board of Cemetery Commissioners <br />consisting of three persons in accordance <br />with the provisions contained in Section <br />21 of Chapter 78 of the Revised Laws <br />of Massachusetts, or act in any manner <br />relating thereto. <br />Art. 48. To see if the Town will vote to <br />approve a set of Rules and Regulations <br />relative to the care, superintendence and <br />management of all public burial grounds <br />in the Town or take any action relative <br />thereto. <br />Art. 49. To see if the Town will make <br />an appropriation with which to begin <br />work of construction in the new cemetery <br />in conformity with plans to be submitted <br />by the joint committee consisting of the <br />Planning Board and Cemetery Committee <br />or Cemetery Commissioners or take any <br />action relative thereto. <br />Art. 50. To see if the Town will vote <br />that all moneys received from the sale of <br />lots in the new Cemetery, so called, shall <br />be kept in a separate fund by the Tow <br />Treasurer to be spent under the direction <br />of the joint committee consisting of the <br />Planning Board and Cemetery Commit- <br />tee or Cemetery Commissioners for con- <br />struction work in connection with the lay- <br />out of the New Cemetery or take any ac- <br />tion relative thereto. <br />Art. 51. To see if the Town will vote to <br />accept a relocation of Locust Avenue from <br />Massachusetts Avenue to Tower Street, <br />and also an extension of Locust Avenue <br />from Tower Street to Pollen Road for f <br />highway purposes, as laid out by the <br />Selectmen, or act in any manner relating <br />thereto. <br />Art. 52. To see if the Town will make <br />an appropriation for the purpose of <br />maintaining the electric lights in the <br />Village Clock at East Lexington, or act <br />in any manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 53. To see if the Town wilI author- <br />ize the Selectmen to petition the County <br />Commissioners to relocate, and rebuild <br />Concord Avenue from the Belmont line to <br />the Lincoln line, or set in any manner re- <br />lating thereto. <br />Hereof, fail not, and make due return <br />of this Warrant with your doings thereon, <br />to the Town Clerk, on or before the time <br />of said meeting. <br />Given under our hands at Lexington <br />this thirteenth day of February, A. D., <br />1919. <br />WILLIAM S. SCAMMAN, <br />JAY O. RICHARDS, <br />WILLIAM B. FOSTER, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />Lexington, Mass., February 26, 1919. <br />To the Town Clerk: - <br />I have notified the inhabitants of Lex- <br />ington by posting printed copies of the <br />foregoing Warrant in the Post Office and <br />in nine other public places in the Town, <br />and by mailing a printed copy of the same <br />to every registered voter in the Town nine <br />days before the time of said meeting. <br />Attest : <br />CHARLES E. WHEELER, <br />Constable of Lexington. <br />