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TOWN CLERK'S RECORDS <br />TOWN MEETING <br />June 30, 1919 <br />The meeting was called to order by the <br />Moderator. The Clerk started to read <br />the Warrant, but upon vote of the meet- <br />ing it was decided to dispense with <br />further reading. <br />The return of the Constable was <br />read:— <br />Art. 7. On motion of George E. Briggs, <br />it was voted, That the Board of Selectmen <br />acting for the Town be and they hereby <br />are authorized to take in fee under the <br />provisions of Chapter 263 of the acts of <br />1915 for the purpose of erecting thereon <br />a building to be used for a public school <br />the following described lot of land situ- <br />ated on Bedford Street in the Town of <br />Lexington, viz: <br />A parcel of land supposed to belong to <br />Charles F. Smith being substantially de- <br />scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at the <br />northerly corner thereon on Bedford St., <br />at the boundary line between land of <br />Smith and land of Kendall; thence run- <br />ning southwesterly partly on said land of <br />Kendall and partly on land of Johnson <br />two hundred seventy-six and eighty-one <br />one -hundredths (276.81) feet to a bound <br />set in the ground; thence turning and run- <br />ning in a straight line South 27 degrees <br />03" East three hundred eight (308) feet <br />to a bound set in the ground: thence turn- <br />ing and running in a straight line North <br />63 degrees 17" East two hundred six and <br />one-tenth (206.1) feet to Bedford Street; <br />thence turning and running northerly on <br />Bedford Street three hundred twenty <br />(320) feet to the point of beginning— <br />containing about one and seventy-four one <br />hundredths (1.74) acres, and the sum of <br />twelve hundred and fifty dollars <br />($1250.00) be hereby appropriated and <br />25 • <br />assessed to meet the estimated cost of ac- <br />quiring said lot of land. <br />The total vote was 92, and 92 voted in <br />the affirmative and none in the negative. <br />Art. 8. On motion of George E. Briggs, <br />it was Voted, that the Town proceed to <br />build a four -room Grammar school build- <br />ing at North Lexington, substantially in <br />accordance with the plans submitted by <br />Mr. Willard D. Brown, architect, to be <br />constructed under the supervision of a <br />Building Committee to consist of the <br />School Committee and four members to be <br />appointed by the Moderator; and that for <br />said purposes there be issued the nego- <br />tiable serial bonds of the Town to be <br />designated on their face "Schoolhouse <br />loan of 1919," in the principal sum of <br />Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000) fu <br />coupon or registered form of one thou- <br />sand dollar denominations, or in multiples <br />thereof, bearing interest at the rate of not <br />exceeding 5% per annual, payable semi- <br />annually, both principal and interest pay- <br />able in gold coin of the United States of <br />the present standard of weight and <br />fineness. Said bonds are to be made <br />payable $4000 annually in the years, 1920 <br />to 1929, both inclusive, and $3000 an- <br />nually in the years, 1930 to 1939, both in- <br />clusive. <br />These bonds shall be signed by the <br />Town Treasurer, countersigned by a ma- <br />jority of the Selectmen, and sold at public <br />or private sale by the Treasurer under the <br />direction and with the approval of the <br />Selectmen. <br />The total vote was 98, and 98 voted in <br />t}ie affirmative, and 0 in the negative. <br />The Moderator appointed Dwight F. <br />Kilgour, Timothy H. O'Connor, Guy E. <br />Denison and Clarence D. Fuller who are <br />26 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />to serve with the School Committee to <br />tarry out the conditions of the vote. <br />Art. 2. On motion of William S. Scam - <br />man, it was Voted, that the Selectmen <br />be and hereby are authorized to deed. to <br />Neil McIntosh, Trustee, a certain parcel <br />of land situated on Waltham Street, it be- <br />ing the same parcel which was conveyed <br />to the Town by said McIntosh by his deed <br />dated April 15, 1918, and recorded iu <br />Middlesex South District Registry of <br />Deeds, Book 4203, Page 470. <br />Art. 3. Chairman Mulliken of the Ceme- <br />tery Commissioners stated that more <br />money was needed to develop the New <br />Cemetery at North Lexington so that the <br />sale of lots might be started, and offered <br />a motion to appropriate and assess $10,- <br />000.00 for the purpose. <br />Arthur L. Blodgett moved that the mat- <br />ter be indefinitely postponed. <br />Both motions were defeated. <br />Art. 4. On motion of William S. Scam - <br />man, it was voted, that the sum of $200.00 <br />be appropriated and assessed for the <br />Town's proportional expense of the Com- <br />mittee of Towns advocating return of the <br />income tax to the source. <br />Art. 5. On motion of Jay 0. Richards, <br />it was Voted, that the Town authorize and <br />instruct the Board of Survey to adopt any <br />means, which in the opinion of the Town <br />Counsel may be proper to secure such de- <br />velopment of real estate as in their <br />judgment may be for the best interest of <br />the Town; and to this end said Board of <br />Survey may institute and prosecute such <br />suits and actions in equity or at law as <br />they may be advised to be necessary or <br />proper in order to test their rights under <br />the Board of Survey Act, and may also <br />defend all actions or proceedings brought <br />against them or the Town by reason of <br />endeavoring to enforce the provisions of <br />said act. <br />Art. 9. This article relative to a sewer <br />extension on Oakland Street was in- <br />definitely postponed on motion of Freder- <br />ick L. Emery. <br />Art. 6. On motion of William S. Scam - <br />man, it was Voted, that the additional sum <br />of $1170.00 be appropriated and assessed <br />for the support of Highways. <br />Art. 1. The Committee appointed at the <br />March meeting under Article 45 made the <br />following report: I beg to submit the <br />following report under Article 45. As <br />follows: The committee unanimously <br />agree that it is not wise to deepen Vine <br />Brook, but recommend that it be cleaned <br />of obstructions, we find the walls for a <br />distance of 310 feet ought to be rebuilt; <br />they may last for some time, but liable to <br />fall in at any time. <br />At Culvert at Mass. Ave. the width of <br />brook is 4 ft. 6 in., at rear of Davis land <br />it narrows down to 2 ft. 6 in., we recom- <br />mend the brook be made a uniform width; <br />beyond the B. & M. Railroad the obstruc- <br />tions are very light and can be cleared at <br />small expense. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />J. C. GRAHAM. <br />It was voted that the report be accepted <br />and placed on file. <br />Art. 1. On motion of W. Roger Greeley <br />it was Voted that the road running along <br />the base of Mt. Tabor near the Lincoln <br />line be named Mt. Tabor road. <br />Art. 1. The Committee appointed at the <br />March meeting to consider and report on <br />the Collection of Garbage was given <br />further time. <br />Article 10 was not acted on. <br />Meeting adjourned at 9.59 P. M. <br />