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TOWN CLERK'S RECORDS <br />extension of Locust Avenue was indefi- Voted that the Moderator appoint a <br />nitely postponed. Committee of three persons to report at <br />the next meeting on the advisability of <br />deepening and widening Vine Brook <br />from its easterly source to the Hayes <br />Meadows. <br />Art. 53. <br />On motion of William S. Scamman it <br />was voted that the Selectmen be and are <br />hereby authorized to petition the County <br />Commissioners to rebuild, alter, widen <br />and relocate Concord Avenue from the <br />Belmont -Lexington town line to the Lin- <br />coln -Lexington line. <br />Art. 45. <br />On motion of Frank H. Holmes, it was <br />The following Committee was. ap- <br />pointed: <br />John C. Graham, Chairman <br />Joseph Swan <br />Edward Wood <br />Meeting dissolved at 10:46 o'clock. <br />TOWN WARRANT <br />Commonwealth of Massachusetts <br />To either of the Constables of the Town <br />of Lexington, in said County. <br />Greeting:— <br />In <br />reeting:In the name of the Commonwealth of <br />Massachusetts, you are directed to notify <br />the inhabitants of the Town of Lexington, <br />qualified to vote in elections and in town <br />affairs, to meet in the Town Hall in said <br />Lexington, on Monday, the thirtieth day <br />of June, A. D., 1919, at seven forty-five <br />o'clock P. M., then and there to act on the <br />following articles: <br />Art. 1. To receive the report of any <br />Board of Town Officers or of any Com- <br />mittee of the Town for action thereon, <br />and to appoint other committees. <br />Art. 2. To see if the Town will author- <br />ize the Selectmen to decd to Neil McIn- <br />tosh, Trustee, a certain parcel of land on <br />Waltham Street. <br />Art. 3. To see if the Town will make a <br />further appropriation for the develop- <br />ment of the New Cemetery and issue <br />bonds in payment therefor, or act in any <br />manner relating thereto. <br />Middlesex, as. <br />Art. 4. To see if the Town will appro- <br />priate $200.00 for its proportional ex- <br />pense in endeavoring to secure a favorable <br />distribution of the State Income Tax, or <br />set in any manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 5. To see if the Town will authorize <br />the Board of Survey to take such action <br />as said Board may deem necessary in its <br />endeavors to secure a proper development <br />of any real estate in the Town, or aet in <br />any manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 6. To see if the Town will vote to <br />increase the pay of the Highway Em- <br />ployees and grant money for the same, or <br />act in any manner relating thereto. <br />Art. 7. To see if the Town will authorize <br />the School Committee or the Board of <br />Selectmen or either or both, to purchase or <br />take by eminent domain the following <br />described parcel of land on Bedford <br />Street in North Lexington for school pur- <br />poses under the provisions of Revised <br />Laws, Chapter 28, Section 19 or under the <br />provisions of Chapter 263 of the Acts of <br />1915 and the additions and amendments <br />to either of said acts and make an ap- <br />• <br />TOWN. OF LEXINGTON <br />propriation therefor or take any other <br />action relative thereto. <br />This lot of land supposed to belong to <br />Charles F. Smith, being substantially de- <br />scribed as follows, viz: Beginning at the <br />northerly corner thereof on Bedford <br />Street at the boundary line between land <br />of Smith and land of Kendall; thence <br />running southwesterly partly on said land <br />of Kendall and partly on land of Johnson <br />two hundred seventy-six and eighty-one <br />one hundredths (276.81) feet to a bound <br />set in the ground; thence turning and <br />running in a straight line South 27 de- <br />grees 03" East three hundred eight (308) <br />feet to a bound set in the ground; thence <br />turning and running in a straight line <br />North 63 degrees 17" East two hundred <br />six and one tenth (200.1) feet to Bedford <br />Street; thence turning and running north- <br />erly on Bedford Street three hundred <br />twenty (320) feet to the point of begin- <br />ning—containing about one and seventy- <br />four one hundredths (1.74) acres. <br />Art. 8. To appropriate money for the <br />purpose of building a school house at <br />North Lexington, and vote to issue bonds <br />or notes therefore, or otherwise determine <br />the method of raising the money so ap- <br />propriated and to take any other or <br />further action relative thereto as may be <br />deemed best. <br />Art. 9. To see if the town will vote to <br />authorise and instruct the water and sewer <br />commissioners to extend the sewer on <br />Merriam Street to Oakland and along <br />Oakland Street to a point that will ac- <br />commodate the factory of M. H. Merri- <br />• <br />am upon the petition of Frederick L. <br />Emery and others, to appropriate money <br />by the issue of bonds or notes or other- <br />wise, or aet in any manner with relation <br />thereto. <br />Art. 10. To see if the town will make <br />'further appropriation to meet the provi- <br />sions of Chapter 254 of the General Acts <br />of 1917, and to see if the Town will vote <br />whether this money shall be paid to any <br />man who was a Town Employee when he <br />entered the CT. S. Service whether or not <br />such employment was permanent or tem- <br />porary. <br />Hereof fail not and make due return of <br />this Warrant, with your doings thereon to <br />the Town Clerk, on or before the time of <br />said meeting. <br />Given under our hands at Lexington, <br />this eighteenth day of June A. D., 1919. <br />WILLIAM S. SCAMMAN, <br />JAY O. RICHARDS, <br />WILLIAM B. FOSTER, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />Lexington, June 24, 1919. <br />To the Town Clerk: <br />I have notified the inhabitants of Lex- <br />ington by posting printed copies of the <br />foregoing Warrant in the Post Office and <br />in six other public places in the town, and <br />by mailing a printed copy of the same <br />to every registered voter in the town, <br />eight days before the time of said meeting. <br />Attest : <br />CHARLES E. WHEELER, <br />Constable of Lexington. <br />