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TOWN CLERK'S RECORDS <br />SECOND ADJOURNED MEETING <br />March <br />The meeting was called to order by the <br />Moderator at 7:30 o'clock. <br />Art. 4. <br />Under this article the following per- <br />sons were elected to serve as: <br />Fence Viewers: <br />J. Henry Duffy <br />Charles E. Wheeler <br />Charles I3. Spaulding <br />Field Drivers: <br />William F. Fletcher <br />Patrick J. Maguire <br />Surveyors of Lumber: <br />J. Henry Duffy <br />Edgar W. Harrod <br />Art. 21. <br />This article relative to the establish- <br />ment of Building Lines was indefinitely <br />postponed. <br />Art. 52. <br />J. Alexander Wilson offered a motion <br />asking for an appropriation of $100.00 <br />for the purpose of maintaining the elec- <br />tric lights in the village clock in East <br />Lexington. <br />The meeting refused to make any ap- <br />propriation. <br />Art. 12. <br />On motion of Arthur L. Blodgett it was <br />voted. that the sum of $150.00 be appro- <br />priated and assessed to defray expense <br />on the Bacon Property, to be expended <br />by the Selectmen. <br />Art. 29. <br />This article was taken from the table, <br />and on motion of Arthur L. Blodgett, it <br />was voted that the sum of $376.00 be <br />17, 1919 <br />appropriated and assessed to provide a <br />pension for permanent members of the <br />Poliee Department who may be entitled <br />to the same. <br />Art. 39. <br />This article was taken from the table. <br />By unanimous consent, Mr. Seamman <br />was allowed to withdraw the motion of- <br />fered at the previous meeting, and on <br />motion of Mr. Scamman, it was now <br />voted: <br />That for the purpose of defining and <br />making certain the termini of Winthrop <br />Road and Vine Brook Road, -Winthrop <br />Road shall hereafter extend from Massa- <br />chusetts Avenue, in a general south- <br />westerly direction to the terminus of <br />the street established by the Town <br />March 8, 1909, said terminus being near <br />the residence of Clarence P. Johnson. <br />Vine Brook Road shall hereafter ex- <br />tend from Waltham Street southeasterly <br />to Winthrop Road as above designated. <br />Art. 33. <br />Voted that the sum of $500.00 be ap- <br />propriated and assessed for the celebra- <br />tion of April 19th. That this amount <br />be expended by the Welcome Home Com- <br />mittee. Should it be expedient to hold <br />the April 19th celebration on any other <br />date, this sum is to be used for such <br />celebration. <br />Art. 38. <br />On motion of Lester T. Redman, it was <br />Voted under article 38 that a committee <br />of three be appointed by the Moderator <br />to report at the next adjourned meeting <br />on the probable cost of such collection <br />and the territory to be served. <br />22 TOWN OF LEXINGTON <br />The following Committee was ap- <br />pointed: <br />Lester T. Redman, Chairman <br />Alexander Wilson <br />Edward H. Sargent <br />Art. 37. <br />On motion of Jay 0. Richards, it was <br />Voted. that the Selectmen be and are <br />hereby authorized to accept from the <br />Boston & Maine Railroad a deed con- <br />veying to the Town a parcel of land <br />located in front of the railroad station <br />and commonly known as Depot Park, <br />said land to be used for Park purposes <br />only, with the condition that should the <br />land be required for railroad purposes <br />in Lexington the town shall deed this <br />land back to the railroad upon payment <br />by the railroad to the Town of a sum of <br />money equal to what the Town would <br />have received in taxes if the property <br />had remained in the possession of the <br />railroad, said sum to be based on the <br />assessment of the year 1918. <br />Art. 46. <br />On motion of Robert L. Ryder, it was <br />Voted that the Town accept Sections <br />twenty-one to twenty-five inelusive of <br />Chapter Seventy-eight of the Revised <br />Laws of Massachusetts. <br />Art. 47. <br />On motion of Robert L. Ryder it was <br />Voted, that the Town elect by ballot in <br />accordance with the provisions of Sec- <br />tion twenty-one of Chapter Seventy- <br />eight of the Revised Laws of Massaehu- <br />setts, a Board of Cemetery Commission- <br />ers consisting of three persons, one mem- <br />ber to be elected for one year, one mem- <br />ber for two years and one member for <br />three years and annually hereafter one <br />member to be eleeted by ballot at the an- <br />nual town meeting for a term of three <br />years. <br />In accordance with this vote the fol- <br />lowing were elected: <br />Edward Wood, for One Year <br />Charles J. Dailey, for Two Years <br />John E. A. Mulliken for Three Years <br />Art. 4. <br />On motion of Jay 0. Richards, it was <br />voted that the meeting now elect by bal- <br />lot a Director for demonstration work <br />in Agriculture and Home Economics, to <br />serve in co-operation with the County <br />Agricultural Trustees of the Middlesex <br />County Bureau of Agriculture and Home <br />Economics under the provisions of <br />Chap. 273 of the General Acts of 1918. <br />William C. Stickel was elected Direc- <br />tor. <br />Art. 41. <br />On motion of Jay 0. Richards, it was <br />Voted that the Planning Board be re- <br />quested to recommend to the next Town <br />Meeting a name for the road mentioned <br />in Article 41. <br />Art. 48. <br />Frederick L. Emery in behalf of the <br />Planning Board and Cemetery Commit- <br />tee acting jointly as a Committee on the <br />New Cemetery, presented a report for <br />this committee and also a Set of Ceme <br />tery Rules and Regulations. <br />It was voted that the report be ac- <br />cepted and the Rules and Regulations be <br />adopted. <br />Art. 49. <br />On motion of Frederick L. Emery it <br />was Voted that the sum of Five Thou- <br />sand Dollars be appropriated and as- <br />sessed to be spent under the direction of <br />the Cemetery Commission to be used for <br />construction work in connection with <br />the lay -out of the New Cemetery in ac- <br />cordance with the plans submitted by the <br />joint committee appointed by the town. <br />Art. 23. <br />This article was taken from the table, <br />and on motion of Arthur L. Blodget, it <br />was Voted that the sum of $4500.00 be <br />appropriated and assessed for the main- <br />tenance of the Town Engineer's Depart- <br />ment. <br />Art. 51. <br />Action on this article relative to the <br />