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lots therein, shall immediately, upon receipt therefor, be paid over <br />by the Treasurer to the Trustees of Public Trusts, to the end that <br />the same may be administered by said Trustees agreeably to the <br />provisions of Chapter 107 of the Acts of 1910, that the town shall <br />not allow or become liable for the payment of any interest or moneys <br />or funds hereafter deposited with the Town Treasurer for such <br />purposes; and that the provisions of the vote passed by the town <br />Nov. 2nd, 1875, relative to depositing money with the Town Treas- <br />urer for cemetery purposes are hereby amended so as to conform to <br />the terms of the present vote. <br />ART. 8. On motion of Edward P. Merriam it was <br />Voted that the sum of $3130.79 be appropriated and assessed to <br />cover the town liability for the cost of the suppression of insects <br />during the year 1911, and that a further sum of $1250.00 be appro- <br />priated and assessed to continue the moth work during the year <br />under the provisions of Chapter 381, Acts of 1905, and amendments <br />thereto. <br />Voted that all money appropriated for the suppression of insects <br />for the year 1911 be expended under the direction of a committee <br />of five to be appointed by the Moderator of this meeting. <br />The Moderator appointed the following <br />Edward P. Merriam <br />Charles H. Bugbee <br />William C. Stickel <br />George N. Childs <br />William P. Martin <br />Awr. 9. On motion of Alonzo E. Locke it was <br />Voted that for the purpose of raising funds for the use of the <br />Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners in extending water mains, <br />the Town Treasurer, with the approval of the Selectmen, is hereby <br />authorized to issue and to sell at public or private sale ten (10) <br />negotiable coupon serial bonds of the town to the aggregate princi- <br />16 <br />pal sum of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00), the bonds to be in <br />the denomination of $1000.00 each and to bear interest at the rate <br />of four per cent (4%) per annum, payable semi-annually. The <br />bonds shall mature annually, one each year, beginning 1912, up to <br />and including 1921. Both principal and interest shall be payable in <br />gold coin of the United States of the present standard of weight and <br />fineness. Said bonds shall be signed by the Treasurer and counter- <br />signed by a majority of the Selectmen. <br />Voted: Yes, 52; No, 6. <br />On motion of Robert P. Clapp it was <br />Voted that in addition to applying to the extension of water mains <br />moneys especially appropriated by vote of the town for that purpose, <br />the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners is hereby authorized <br />to take from current revenues and expend for the construction of <br />such new or additional mains from time to time as in the judgment <br />of the Board may be advisable, sums not exceeding in the aggregate <br />five thousand dollars ($51100.00) in any one year, such expenditures <br />to be treated as an offset to depreciations, provided, however, that <br />no mains shall be laid or extended in an unaccepted street without <br />a prior vote of the town authorizing the work. <br />Voted, that the Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners are <br />hereby requested to expend during the current year, for the pur- <br />poses herein named, the proceeds of the $10,000.00 of bonds <br />authorized by vote passed at this meeting to be issued for the raising <br />of funds for the use of said Board in extending water mains, viz: <br />(1) Laying an eight -inch main in Middle street from the present <br />terminus of the eight -inch main therein westerly to a connection <br />near the corner of Middle and Waltham streets with the six-inch <br />main now existing in Middle street; and (2) extending and im- <br />proving the mains in and near Merriam and Oakland streets, to the <br />end that more adequate hydrant service may be provided for the <br />protection of property on and near the hill lying between Merriam <br />and Oakland streets and Glen road. <br />16 <br />