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Second. Voted, on motion of Finance Committee, "That here- <br />after the Town Auditor shall not approve payment of, nor shall the <br />Town Treasurer pay any salary to any town official in advance." <br />Third. On motion of Finance Committee, "Voted, that hereafter <br />the annual report of every department of the town shall be in the <br />hands of the Town Clerk not later than Feb. lst, and it not received <br />by the Town Clerk on or before that date, he shall immediately <br />report the matter to the Selectmen for action on their part." <br />Fourth. Dr. J. O. Tilton made a verbal report on behalf of com- <br />mittee on swimming pool. <br />On motion of Dr. Tilton it was unanimously "Voted that the sum <br />of $300.00 be appropriated and assessed, to be expended at the <br />discretion of the committee on swimming pool, for a swimming pool <br />in connection with the improvements of the athletic field." <br />Fifth. Charles H. Spaulding made a written report for the "Com- <br />mittee on Fire Engine House and Apparatus." (See Reports of <br />Committee, page 89.) <br />On motion of Edward P. Merriam it was voted to accept the <br />report and place the same on file. <br />ART. 5. Minor officers. <br />Under this article the following persons were elected as fence <br />viewers : Ernest W. Martin, Charles H. Spaulding and Leslie Ryder. <br />Elected as field drivers : Thomas C. Buckley, Arthuz D. Stone and <br />Silas H. Samuel. <br />ART. 28. Building laws, <br />Under this article Frederick L. Emery offered the following <br />motions, vis : — <br />First. " Voted, that the town hereby accepts Sections 1 to 10, <br />both inclusive, of Chapter 104 of the Revised Laws, and the amend- <br />ments thereof and additions thereto." <br />37 <br />Accepted by unanimous vote -94 in affirmative, 0 in negative. <br />Second. "Voted, that until otherwise provided by vote of the <br />town, the operation of Section 2 of Chapter 104 of the Revised <br />Laws shall be limited and apply only to all lots or parcels of land <br />surveyed, plotted or laid out for building purposes, and also to all <br />other parcels or lots of less than one acre." <br />Passed by unanimous vote. <br />Third. "Voted that a committee of five be appointed by the <br />Moderator to consider and prepare a code of building laws, or set <br />of by-laws under the provisions of Section 1, Chapter 104 of the <br />Revised Laws, suited to the needs of the town, and to make an <br />early report to the town." <br />And the town so voted. <br />The Moderator appointed Clarence H. Cutler, Edward H. Mara, <br />Dwight F. Kilgour, Timothy H. O'Connor, Arthur C. Whitney. <br />ART. 27. Printing of by-laws, <br />Under this article Frederick L. Emery made a verbal report for <br />committee, and moved the indefinite postponement of the article, <br />and the town so voted. <br />Meeting dissolved at 10.50 o'clock p. m. <br />A true copy of the records. Attest : <br />CHARLES W. SWAN, <br />Town Clerk. <br />WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING <br />SATURDAY, April '29, 1911 <br />To EITHER OF THE CONSTABLES OF THE TowN OF LEXINGTON, IN <br />SAID COUNTY, GREETING <br />