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1I <br />bated, That the matter be referred to a committee of five to <br />consist of the former committee of three and two additional mem- <br />bers to be appointed by the Moderator, and that they report as soon <br />as possible to the town. The Moderator appointed the following : <br />Walter W. Rowse, (Chairman,) Rev. Charles F. Carter, George H. <br />Childs, J. Alexander Wilson, William Roger Greeley. <br />By unanimous consent of the meeting the following resolution <br />offered by William P. Martin was received for consideration, and <br />after debate was adopted by a unanimous rising vote : <br />Resolved, That the citizens of Lexington, in town meeting <br />assembled, hereby earnestly protest and remonstrate against the <br />establishing by the Commonwealth of a hospital for the treatment of <br />mental patients on the property known as "Fair Oaks" in this town. <br />We respectfully base our protest not only upon the fact that such <br />an institution, so centrally located, would be a permanent detriment <br />to the growth and development of this town, but also upon the <br />broader ground that it would be an irreparable and increasing <br />detraction from the world-wide historic fame of the name of <br />" Lexington," which we believe is entitled to the loyal and stead- <br />fast protection of every patriotic citizen of this Commonwealth. <br />Voted, To dissolve the meeting at 9.10 o'clock. <br />A true record, attest : <br />GEO. D. HARRINGTON, <br />Town Clerk. <br />WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING. <br />MONDAY, March 1, 1909. <br />To CHARLES E. WHEELER, Constable of Lexington, <br />GREETING <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are <br />hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of <br />12 <br />Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at <br />the Town Hall, on Monday, the first day of March, A. D., 1909, at <br />7.00 o'clock A. M., to act on the following Articles, viz. : — <br />ARTICLE 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. <br />ART. 2. To choose by ballot the following town officers : One <br />Town Clerk for the term of one year; three Selectmen for the term <br />of ane year; three Overseers of the Poor for the term of one year; <br />three Surveyors of the Highways for the term of one year; one <br />Assessor for the term of three years; one Town Treasurer for the <br />term of one year; one Collector of Taxes for the term of one year; <br />two Auditors for the term of one year; two Constables for the term <br />of one year ; one Water Commissioner for the term of three years ; <br />one member of the Cemetery Committee for the term of one year; <br />one member of the Cemetery Committee for the term of three <br />years; one member of the School Committee for the term of three <br />years; one Sewer Commissioner for the term of three years; one <br />member of the Board of Health for the term of three years ; one <br />Tree Warden for the term of one year. <br />ART. 3. To see if the Town will vote for or against granting <br />licenses for the sale of intoxicating liquors, in answer to the ques- <br />tion : "Shall licenses be granted for the sale of intoxicating liquors <br />in this town?" <br />ART. 4. To see if the Town will accept the following Act : <br />"Shall an Act passed by the General Court in the year nineteen <br />hundred and eight, entitled 'An act to provide for the protection of <br />forest or sprout lands from fire,' be accepted by this town?" <br />The election officers will receive votes under Articles 2, 3, and 4 <br />on the official ballot prepared by the Town Clerk. <br />The polls will be opened as soon as possible after the organization <br />of the meeting and will be kept open until five o'clock P. M. In <br />compliance with Article 111 of the By -Laws as amended by vote of <br />the town, Jan. 29, 1900, business under the following Articles will <br />be transacted at an adjourned meeting to be held Monday evening, <br />