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Lexington Town Records <br />WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING. <br />MONDAY, February 1, 1909. <br />To CHARLES E. WHEELER, Constable of Lexington, <br />GREETING <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are <br />hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of <br />Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at <br />the Town Hall, on Monday, the First day of February, A. D., 1909, <br />at 7.30 o'clock P. M., to act on the following articles, viz : — <br />ARTICLE 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. <br />ART. 2. To see if the town will authorize their Treasurer, under <br />the direction of the Selectmen to borrow money for any necessary <br />purpose in anticipation of the collection of taxes the current year, <br />the same to be repaid directly from the proceeds of said taxes, or <br />act in any manner relating thereto. <br />ART. 3. To see if the town will make an appropriation for the <br />suppression of Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths, in accordance with <br />Chapter 381, Acts of 1905, and amendments to the same, or act in <br />any manner relating thereto. <br />ART- 4. To see if the town will make an appropriation for the <br />purpose of providing a place for skating at the Ball Field or else- <br />where, or act in any manner relating thereto. <br />Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your <br />doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said <br />meeting. <br />IQ <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this Twenty-first day of <br />January, A. D., 1909. <br />FRANK D. PIERCE, <br />HENRY A. C. WOODWARD, <br />WILLIAM H. WHITAKER, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />MEETING FEBRUARY 1, 1909. <br />Meeting called to order by the Town Clerk at 7.40 o'clock P. M. <br />who read the warrant and the return of the Constable thereon. <br />ARTICLE 1. On motion of Frank D. Peirce it was <br />Voted, To elect a Moderator, that the check list be used and that <br />the polls be kept open three minutes. At the dose of the polls six <br />ballots had been cast, all for Robert P. Clapp, and he was declared <br />elected and was sworn by the Town Clerk. <br />Art's'. 2. On motion of George D. Harrington it was <br />Voted, That for the purpose of procuring temporary loans to and <br />for the use of the Town of Lexington in anticipation of taxes of the <br />present municipal year, the Town Treasurer is hereby authorized to <br />borrow irom time to time, with the approval of the Board of Select- <br />men, and to execute and deliver the note or notes of the town there- <br />for, payable within one year from the time the loan is made. All <br />debts incurred under this vote shall be paid from the taxes of the <br />present municipal year. <br />ARI. 3. On motion of Edward P. Merriam it was <br />Mated, That the sutra of X3253.87 be appropriated and assessed <br />for Moth Work. <br />ART. 4. On motion of Edwin A. Bayley it was <br />