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29 <br />WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING. <br />THtYnsnnr, July 9, 1908. • <br />To CHARLES E. WHEELER, Constable of Lexington, GREETING: <br />In the name of the Commonwearth of Massachusetts you are <br />hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of <br />Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at <br />the Town Hall, on Thursday, the ninth day of July, A. D., 1908, at <br />8.00 o'clock p. m., to act on the following Articles, via.:— <br />ARTICLF. 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. <br />ART. 2. To see if the town will make a further appropriation for <br />the suppression of the Gypsy and Brown Tail Moths, or act in any <br />manner relating thereto. <br />ART. 3. To see if the town will make an appropriation for the <br />extension of water mains, and if so, of what amount ; also to authorize <br />the borrowing of money to meet all or a portion of such appropria- <br />tion. <br />Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your <br />doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said <br />meeting. <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this twenty-seventh day of <br />June, A. D., 1908. <br />FRANK D. PEIRCE, <br />HENRY A. C. WOODWARD, <br />W. H. WHITAKER, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />MEETING JULY 9, 1908. <br />Meeting called to order by the Town Clerk at 7.35 o'clock p. m., <br />who read the Warrant and the return of the Constable thereon. <br />30 <br />ARTICLE 1. On motion of George H. Cutter it was <br />Voted, That we elect a Moderator; that the check list be used, <br />and that the polls he kept open two minutes: At the close of the <br />polls it was found seven ballots had been cast, all for Edwin A. <br />Bayley, and he was declared elected and was sworn by the Town <br />Clerk. <br />• <br />ART. 2. On motion of Edward P. Merriam it was <br />Voted, That a further sum of $1,000.00 be appropriated and <br />assessed for the suppression of insects, in order to secure the State <br />allowance of $4,000.00 additional to continue the work. <br />Edward P. Merriam offered the following motion : <br />That all money used for the suppression of insects be expended <br />by a committee of three to be appointed by the Moderator, one of <br />whom shall he the local superintendent ; this committee to take full <br />charge of the work until March, 1909. <br />Charles E. Wheeler moved as an amendment that the committee <br />consist of five members. The amendment was accepted by Mr. <br />Merriam and the original motion as amended was put and carried. <br />The motion was favored by Frank D. Peirce, Edward P. Merriam <br />and William C. Stickel, and opposed by Daniel F. Hutchinson and <br />Arthur E. Horton. The Moderator appointed the follo'ing com- <br />mittee : <br />Charles H. Bugbee, <br />George H. Childs, <br />Cornelius Wellington. <br />William P. Martin, <br />Edward P. Merriam, <br />ART. 3. On motion of Francis IV. Dean it was <br />Votrrl, l'hat the sum of six thousand dollars ($$,000.00) is <br />hereby appropriated for the use of the Water Department in mak- <br />ing extensiotts,of water mains, and that the Town Treasurer is hereby <br />authorized to borrow said stun on six several notes of the town of <br />51,000.00 each, payable respectively in one, two, three, four, five <br />