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25 <br />AR'r, 10. Voted. That the sum of $12,000.00 be appropriated <br />and assessed for the support of the highways. <br />ART. 11. Voted, That the sum of $7,400.00 be appropriated <br />and assessed for the support of street lights. Voted, that a com- <br />mittee of five be appointed by the Moderator to investigate the sub- <br />ject of substituting incandescent lights in whole or in part for the <br />arc lights now in use in the town, said committee to include the <br />Chairman of the Board of Selectmen and at least one citizen familiar <br />with electrical matters. And the Moderator appointed the following <br />committee : Robert P. Clapp, Dwight F. Kilgotir, George D. Milne, <br />Frank D. Peirce and Dr. J. Odin Tilton. <br />ART. 12. Voted, That the sum of $4,900.00 be appropriated <br />and assessed for the support of the Fire Department. <br />ART. 13. Under this article Hugh Miller offered the following <br />amendment : First, that the Board of Overseers of the Poor and <br />Surveyors of Highways be abolished and that the duties of said <br />Board be performed by the Board of Selectmen. Second, that the <br />salary of each Selectman be increased to five hundred dollars, except <br />that of the Chairman of the Board, whose salary shall be seven hun <br />dred dollars. Third, that no member of the Board of Selectmen <br />shall hold the office of Superintendent of Streets or any other salaried <br />office under the town. Fourth, that $1,700.00 be appropriated and <br />assessed for the salaries of the Board of Selectmen during 1908. <br />The amendment, on motion of George W. Taylor, was divided <br />into four divisions and declared lost. The following amounts were <br />then appropriated and assessed : <br />Assessors, <br />Auditors, <br />Board of Health, <br />Contingent, <br />Care of Common, <br />Collector of Taxes, <br />Clerk of School Committee, <br />8900.00 <br />100.00 <br />500.00 <br />1,000.00 <br />200.00 <br />850.00 <br />50.00 <br />26 <br />Fuel and Lights, <br />Hydrants, <br />Hastings Park, <br />Interest, <br />Insurance, <br />Janitors, <br />Librarians, <br />Overseers of the Poor, <br />Police Department, <br />Printing, <br />Removal of Snow, <br />Registrars of Voters, <br />Selectmen, <br />Surveyors of Highways, <br />Cemeteries, <br />Inspector of Cattle, <br />Inspector of Provisions, <br />Sealer of Weights and Measures, <br />Street Watering, <br />Town Debt, <br />Treasurer Cary Memorial Library, <br />Trimming 'frees, <br />Town Treasurer, <br />Town Clerk, <br />Town Physician, <br />Watering Troughs, <br />1,750.00 <br />4,815.00 <br />5.00 <br />7,702.02 <br />250.00 <br />1,500.00 <br />1,810.00 <br />333.33 <br />4,300.00 <br />500.00 <br />500.00 <br />125.00 <br />333.33 <br />383.33 <br />200.00 <br />100.00 <br />200.00 <br />150.00 <br />3,000.00 <br />26,266.67 <br />50.00 <br />126.63 <br />660.00 <br />450.00 <br />75.00 <br />75.00 <br />ART. 15. Voted That on all taxes for 1908 paid before Dec. 1, <br />1908, a discount of one-half of one per cent. shall be allowed for <br />each full month for prior payment; taxes unpaid Dec. 1st shall <br />be charged six per cent. interest thereafter, and all taxes shall <br />become due Dec. 31, 1908, and that the.Tax Collector be Instruc- <br />ted to collect all taxes by that date. <br />ART. 16. Voted, That the sum of $1,000.00 be appropriated <br />and assessed for the construction of sidewalks of concrete or other <br />materials where the abutters will pay one-half of the expense thereof. <br />