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I5 <br />Department, which shall show in detail all receipts and expenditures <br />during the year, and also the names of all persons who are at the <br />time in default in the payment of water bills, with the amount due <br />from each. <br />Sec. 9. All existing by-laws or rules and regulations inconsistent <br />with the foregoing provisions are hereby repealed. <br />On motion of George W. Taylor it was <br />Mated, That the By -Laws just adopted be presented by the <br />Board of Selectmen to the Attorney General, and when duly appro- <br />ved to have the same recorded and published as required by law to <br />carry the same into effect. <br />ART. 4. Robert P. Clapp offered the following motion : <br />Voted, That the Board of Sewer Commissioners of the Town of <br />Lexington is hereby authorized and instructed to proceed tinder the <br />provisions of Chapter 504, of the Acts of 1897, as amended by <br />Chapter 359, of the Acts of 1906, to install, to substantially the <br />extent indicated in the Commissioners printed report of February, <br />1907, a sewerage system agreeably to the general scheme of sewage <br />disposal appearing on the lithographed plan entitled "Plan showing <br />proposed system of sewers for the Town of Lexington, Mass., desig- <br />ned by McClintock & Woodfall, Civil Engineers," dated 1897, to <br />this end adopting and constructing the system heretofore approved <br />for Lexington by the State Board of Health; that for the purpose <br />of carrying out the provisions of this vote the town hereby appro- <br />priates such sum as may be necessary therefor, not exceeding one <br />hundred and ninety thousand dollars, the money to be raised on the <br />credit of the town by issuing agreeably to the provisions of said <br />legislative acts bonds in denominations of one thousand dollars each, <br />bearing interest payable semi-annually at such rate not exceeding <br />five per centum per annum as the Selectmen may determine. Both <br />principal and interest shall be payable in gold coin of the United <br />States of the present standard of weight and fineness. The bonds <br />r6 <br />shall all mature within the period of thirty years from date thereof, <br />but within that limit they may be made payable at different times so <br />as to provide for payment of the aggregate loan in such annual pay- <br />ments as will extinguish the same within said thirty years, it being <br />the intent hereof, instead of establishing a sinking fund, to provide <br />for the retiring of the bonds in serial groups annually. There shall <br />be reserved to the town in such of said bonds as the Selectmen may <br />determine the right to call and retire the same before maturity. <br />The Town Treasurer is hereby authorized to cause said bonds to be <br />prepared and executed in such form and with such terms and pro- <br />visions embodied therein, not to conflict with the provisions of said <br />Acts and of this vote, as the Selectmen shall approve, and to sell the <br />same at such price or prices, not below par value, and at such times <br />as he shall think best. The Treasurer is also authorized hereby in <br />anticipation of the moneys to be derived from the sale of said bonds <br />to make a temporary loan or loans, for a term not exceeding one <br />year, to execute with the approval of the Selectmen the notes of the <br />town therefor, and to pledge bonds at not less than the par value <br />thereof as collateral security for such loan or loans. <br />On motion of Robert P. Clapp it was <br />Voted, That the above vote be taken by polling the house. <br />At the close of the poll 88 had voted in favor and 59 against and <br />the motion was declared lost, two-thirds not having voted in the <br />affirmative. <br />Ara. 6. On motion of George W. Taylor it was <br />Voted, That Glen Road from Merriam Street to Oakland Street <br />be accepted by the town when the same has been graded and deeded <br />to the Town of Lexington to the satisfaction of the Selectmen. <br />Awr. 2. On motion of George W. Taylor it was <br />Voted, That the Water Board is hereby authorized and reques- <br />ted <br />to procure and install from time to time water meters upon the <br />premises of such takers of water as shall apply for meters and pay <br />