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13 <br />On motion of Robert P. Clapp it was <br />Voted, That the above be accepted as a report of progress. <br />ART. 3. On motion of George W. Taylor it was <br />Poled, To adopt the following By -Laws relating to the Water <br />Department. <br />The provisions of Section 1 of the "Rules and Regulations of the <br />Water Department" adopted by vote of the town on March 23, <br />18116, and subsequently approved by the Superior Court shall be <br />continued in force and considered as a part of these By -Laws. Said <br />section reads as follows : <br />SECTION 1. At a meeting called for that purpose, to be held in <br />April, 1896, the town shall elect by ballot a Water Board consisting <br />of three legal voters, to be called Water Commissioners, one of <br />whom shall be elected for the terns of three years, one for the terns <br />of two years, and one for the term of one year, all of the said tcrms <br />to date from the annual meeting in Match, and thereafter the town <br />shall annually elect by ballot one member of said board for the term <br />of three years. Every member -elect of said board shall be sworn to <br />the faithful performance of his duties. No member shall receive <br />any salary or other compensation for his services. <br />SEc. 2. Such Board of Water Commissioners, subject to the dir- <br />ection and control of the town as expressed by vote of the inhabi- <br />tants from time to time, shall have the care and management of the <br />town's system of water supply derived from the Metropolitan <br />System, and of the property and business connected with such supply, <br />including all construction and repair work and the making of con- <br />tracts therefor. <br />SEC. 3. The Water Board may appoint a Superintendent, Regis- <br />trar, and other necessary subordinate officers or agents, define their <br />duties, and fix their compensation; but no Commissioner shall hold <br />any office or position of emolument under the Board. <br />14 <br />SEC. 4. The rates to be paid for water by private takers shall be <br />those from time to time established by vote of the town, or in the <br />absence thereof, by action of the Water Board. <br />SEC. 5. The Water Board may establish and alter from time to <br />time, such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the vote of <br />the town, or of these By-Iaws, as to the Board may seem proper, <br />governing the use of water, the kind of service or other pipes to be <br />employed in such use and the manner of connecting and maintain- <br />ing the same, the metering of water, and any other matters connec- <br />ted with the conduct of the business of supplying water to customers <br />or exacting payment therefor. Said rules and regulations, except as <br />may otherwise be expressly agreed in writing, shall be considered a <br />part of the contract with every person who takes water ; and the <br />Water Board may shut off the water and prohibit its use by any per- <br />son who neglects or refuses to comply with the same. <br />SEC. 6. All bills for water shall be collected by the Registrar or <br />other person appoined by the Water Board for that purpose, and <br />such collector shall give bond to the town in a sum and with surety <br />approved by the Water Board for the faithful discharge of his duties. <br />He shall make report weekly to the Board of all sums collected and <br />concurrently therewith pay over the same to the Town Treasurer. <br />SEc. 7. The Town Treasurer shall keep a separate account of all <br />water rents and receipts and of all charges, expenses and interest on <br />account of the water system and the water debt. All monies so <br />received and all appropriations made by the town for any purpose <br />connected with the Water Department shall be used in payment of <br />the water debt and interest thereon, and the expenses of operating <br />and extending the water system and shall be paid out by the Treas- <br />urer on orders or bills approved by the Water Board. <br />SEc. 8. The Water Board shall annually. on or before the first <br />day of January in each year, present to the Selectmen for publica- <br />tion in the town report, a statement of the condition of the Water <br />