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Lexington Town Records. <br />WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING. <br />TuEsDAv, January 31st, 1905. <br />To CHARLES E. WHEELER, Constable of Lexington, GREETING : <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are <br />hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of <br />Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at <br />the Town Hall, on Tuesday, the thirty-first day of January, A. D., <br />1905, at 7.30 o'clock p. m., to act on the following Articles, viz <br />ARTICLE 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. <br />ART. 2. To see if the town will accept from the Cary Heirs, the <br />gift of a Library property, on the corner of Massachusetts avenue <br />and Clarke street, the building to house the present Cary Library <br />now in the Town Hall, and to be known as " The Cary Memorial <br />Library," or act in any manner relating thereto. <br />Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your <br />doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said <br />meeting. <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this nineteenth day January, <br />A. D., 1905. <br />GEO. W. TAYLOR, <br />EDWARD C. STONE, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />12 <br />MEETING JANUARY 31, 1905. <br />Meeting called to order by the Town Clerk at 7.35 o'clock, who <br />read the Warrant and the return of the Constable thereon. <br />ARTICLE I. On motion of G. H. Cutter it was voted to elect a <br />Moderator, that the check list be used, and that the polls be kept <br />open five minutes. At the close of the polls four ballots had been <br />cast, all for Edward P. Nichols, and he was declared elected, and <br />was sworn by the Town Clerk. <br />ART. 2. On motion of James P. Munroe it was <br />Voted, That the Town of Lexington, mindful of the invaluable <br />service rendered by the late Mrs. Maria Hastings Cary in generously <br />establishing a public library for the inhabitants, and deeming the <br />proposed gift of a house for that library an important means of edu- <br />cation and a fitting ornament to the town as well as a proper mem- <br />orial to a family, the members of which have always set a high <br />example of devoted citizenship, accepts most gratefully the gift ten- <br />dered by the Cary Heirs of a library property on the corner of <br />Massachusetts avenue and Clarke street, the building of said prop- <br />erty to be used to house the present Cary Library, now in the Town <br />Hall, and to be known as "The Cary Memorial Library." (The <br />above was taken by a rising vote and was unanimous). <br />On motion of Rev. C. F. Carter it was <br />Poled, That the Moderator and Messrs. James P. Munroe and <br />George 0. Whiting be chosen a committee to wait on Miss Cary and <br />thank her for the timely and munificent gift. <br />On motion of E. A. Bayley it was <br />Voted, That Messrs. George 0. Whiting, George W. Taylor and <br />Alonzo E. Locke be and are hereby constituted a committee to Con- <br />