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31 <br />bearing interest at the rate of 4 per cent. per annum, principal and <br />interest to be paid in gold coin of the United States of the present <br />standard of weight and fineness, to refund an equal amount of the <br />bonds of the town denominated "Lexington Water Bonds," which <br />became due November 1, 1904, under the provisions of Chapter 160 <br />of the Acts of 1896, and that said bonds be sold at private sale <br />under the direction of the Selectmen, upon the best terms that they <br />can obtain. Vote unanimous. <br />ART. 22. On motion of Charles Garrison it was <br />Voted, To change the name of Mason street to Bennington <br />road. <br />ART. 23. On motion of James R. Garret it was <br />Voted, That (1000 be appropriated and assessed to lay a water <br />main on Clark street from Mass. ave to Forest street. <br />ART. 26. On motion of George H. Cutter it was <br />Voted, That the matter be referred to the Surveyors of High- <br />ways. <br />Voted, To dissolve the meeting. <br />Meeting dissolved at 9.10 o'clock. <br />A true record, attest : GEO. D. HARRINGTON, <br />Town Clerk. <br />32 <br />WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING. <br />MONDAY, March 21, A. D., 1904. <br />To CHARLES H. FRANKS, Constable of Lexington, GREETING : <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are <br />hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town of <br />Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at <br />the Town Hall on Monday, the twenty-first day of March, A. D., <br />1904, at 7 o'clock a. m., to act on the following Articles, viz :--- <br />ARTICLE 1. To choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. <br />ART. 2. To choose by ballot the following officers : Three Select- <br />men to serve until the annual meeting in March, A. D., 1905. <br />The polls will be kept open until 5 o'clock p. m., and as much <br />longer as the meeting may direct, not to extend beyond sunset. <br />Hereof fail not, and make due return of this warrant, with your <br />doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said <br />meeting. <br />Given under my hand, at Lexington, this First day of March, A. D., <br />1904. <br />GEORGE W. SAMPSON, <br />Justice of the Peace. <br />