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17 <br />ART. 27. To see what action the 'Town will take relative to <br />improving the sanitation and drainage of the cellar at Adams <br />School, and appropriate money for the same. <br />ART. 28. To see if the Town will vote to rescind the vote passed <br />March 4, 1901, whereby it was voted " That the balance of the <br />bequest of Francis B. Hayes, remaining from the construction of <br />the Hayes Memorial Fountain, amounting to $885.00 constitute the <br />Hayes Fountain Trust Fund to be held by the Town and securely <br />invested, the income to be used for the perpetual care of the Foun- <br />tain and the grounds immediately around it," or act in any manner <br />relating thereto. <br />ART. 29. To see if the Town will vote to request the Surveyors <br />of Highways to pay the employees on all public works at the rate <br />of $2.00 per day, or act in any matter relating thereto. <br />ART. 30. To see what changes, if any, the Town will make in <br />the town officers to be chosen by ballot, or in the number of terms <br />of office thereof, or in the matter of electing the same ; and to this <br />end to pass such vote or votes as may be deemed best, including <br />any vote or votes in relation to the manner or method of electing <br />any officers or boards of officers; and to take any other or further <br />action relative to the tenure thereof. <br />ART. 31. 'To see if the Town will accept Sheridan street so <br />called, extending from Sherman street 700 feet to land of David W. <br />Muzzey, or act in any manner relating thereto. <br />ART. 32. To see if the Town will appoint a committee to con- <br />sider a revision of the by-laws of the Town, relating to the Water <br />Department and the management of the same, or act in any man- <br />ner relating thereto. <br />Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your <br />doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said <br />meeting. <br />18 <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this eighteenth day of <br />February, A. D., 1903. <br />EDWIN S. SPAULDING, <br />JOHN F. HUTCHINSON, <br />GEO. W. TAYLOR, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />MEETING MARCH 2, 1903. <br />Meeting called to order at 7 o'clock A. M, by the Town Clerk who <br />read the warrant and the return of the Constable thereon. <br />ART. 1. On motion of G. W. Sampson it was voted that we pro- <br />ceed to elect a Moderator by ballot, that the check list be used and <br />that the polls be kept open two minutes. At the close of the polls <br />it was found seven ballots had been cast, all for Edward C. Stone, <br />who was declared elected and was sworn by the Town Clerk. <br />ART. 2 & 3. Abram B. Smith and Charles W. Swan having <br />been appointed Ballot Clerks were sworn by the Town Clerk and <br />receipted to him for a package said to contain 950 official ballots <br />for male voters and a package said to contain 300 official ballots for <br />female voters. P. F. Dacey and W. H. Whitaker having been <br />appointed Deputy Ballot Clerks were sworn by the Town Clerk. <br />'The ballot box was shown to be empty, then locked and the key <br />delivered to William B. Foster the Constable in charge, and the <br />polls having been declared open the balloting commenced. Francis <br />Locke, Geo. L. Pierce, Francis M. Cobb, Chas. A. Fowle, John <br />Moakley, James A. Hurley, Charles F. Nourse and James Barnes <br />having been appointed Tellers were sworn by the Moderator. At <br />10.15 o'clock by consent of the Moderator and Town Clerk 300 <br />ballots were taken from the box, at 3 o'clock 250 ballots were taken <br />out, at 4.30 o'clock 200 ballots of female voters were taken out. <br />