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II <br />MEETING JANUARY 21, 1903. <br />Meeting called to order by the Town Clerk at 7.40, o'clock p. m. <br />who read the warrant and the return of the Constable thereon. <br />ART. 1. On motion of A. C. Stone it was voted, that we elect a <br />Moderator by ballot, that the check list be used and that the polls <br />be kept open for five minutes ; the time was extended five minutes <br />more and at the close of the polls it was found that 44 ballots had been <br />cast all for Edward C. Stone, and he was declared elected and was <br />sworn by the Town Clerk. <br />ART. 2. On motion of James P. Munroe it was voted "that the <br />committee appointed by the town at its meeting held on August 25, <br />1902, and the Selectmen having made application for the admission <br />of the town into the Metropolitan Water District, which action is <br />hereby ratified and confirmed, be authorized and instructed to ex- <br />ecute acknowledge and deliver in the name and behalf of the town <br />of Lexington an agreement with the Commonwealth and the Met- <br />ropolitan Water and Sewerage Board, that the Board, in furnishing <br />water to the town in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 488 <br />of the Acts of the year 1895, and acts in amendment thereof or in <br />addition thereto, shall deliver water at or near the boundary line be- <br />tween the towns of Lexington and Arlington into the present ten <br />inch main water pipe laid in Massachusetts Avenue, or into such <br />pipe as the town may hereafter lay in said avenue for the purpose of <br />receiving the water and that the Treasurer be authorized and instruc- <br />ted, when so directed by the said Committee and the Selectmen, to <br />pay to the Commonwealth the sum of twenty seven thousand two <br />hundred and fifty dollars, that amount being required by the Met- <br />ropolitan Water and Sewerage Board upon the admission of said <br />town into said District." The result of this vote was 46 voting in fa- <br />vor and 19 opposed. <br />ART. 3 AND 4. On motion of F. C. Childs it was voted, that for <br />the purpose of providing moneys with which to defray the cost of <br />entering the Metropolitan Water District and expenses incidental <br />I2 <br />thereto, including the cost of procuring and laying new or additional <br />water pipes, the town treasurer is hereby authorized to issue and sell <br />during the current year 1903, a series of twenty negotiable bonds or <br />promissory notes of the town, drawing interest at the rate of three <br />and one half per cent (3) per annum, payable semi-annually, for <br />principal amounts aggregating forty-four thousand dollars, each such <br />bond or note to be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by a <br />majority of the Selectmen, and to be payable, both principal and in- <br />terest, in gold coin of the United States of America, of the present <br />standard of weight and fineness. The indebtedness hereby authori- <br />zed shall be known as the "Lexington Metropolitan Water Loan <br />1903," and to the end that the same may be extinguished within the <br />period expiring in the year 1923," the town instead of establishing a <br />sinking fund hereby provides that each bond or note of the series <br />shall be for the principal sum of two thousand two hundred dollars, <br />that the first bond or note shall fall due in the year 1904, the second <br />in the year 1905, and so on in regular sequence (one bond or note <br />being made to fall due in each year) and that the one latest ma- <br />turing shall fall due in the year 1923. Vote unanimous. <br />ART. 5. On motion of G. W. Sampson it was voted that the <br />article be indefinitely postponed. <br />Voted to dissolve the meeting. <br />Meeting dissolved at 9.55 p. m. <br />A true record, attest : <br />GEORGE D. HARRINGTON, Town Clerk. <br />