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Lexington Town Records. <br />FROM TOWN CLERK'S RECORD. <br />WARRANT FOR A TOWN MEETING. <br />MONDAY, January .20th, 1902. <br />To W1LI.IAM B. FOSTER, Constable of Lexington, GREETING: <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are <br />hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the Town <br />of Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble <br />at the Town Hall, on Monday the 20th day of January, A. D., <br />1902, at 7.30 p. m., to act on the following Articles, viz :— <br />ART. 1. `1'o choose a Moderator to preside at said meeting. <br />ART. 2. To see if the town desires to substitute stone and <br />metal for wood (in whole or in part) in the exterior finish of the <br />New High School Building, and if so to make an appropriation <br />therefor and to provide for borrowing the money, or act in any <br />manner relating thereto. <br />Hereof fail not, and make due return of this Warrant, with your <br />doings thereon, to the Town Clerk on or before the time of said <br />meeting. <br />IO <br />Given under our hands, at Lexington, this ninth day of January, <br />A. D., 1902. <br />EDWIN S. SPAULDING, <br />G. W. SPAULDING, <br />Selectmen of Lexington. <br />MEETING JAN. 20, 1902. <br />Meeting called to order by the Town Clerk at 7.40 o'clock p. m., <br />who read the warrant and the return of the Constable thereon. <br />ART. 1. On motion of E. P. Merriam it was voted that <br />we proceed to elect a Moderator by ballot, that the check <br />list be used and that the polls be kept open five minutes. It was <br />again voted that the time be extended three minutes. At the close <br />of the polls at the time specified it was found 51 ballots had been <br />cast all for Edward C, Stone, who was declared elected and was <br />sworn by the Town Clerk. <br />ART, 2. Mr. R. P. Clapp said the meeting was called <br />by citizens of the town who thought the change in the <br />building should be made and not by the Committee, and <br />gave the increased cost for substituting metal and stone for wood. <br />Mr. B. F. Brown moved that the whole matter be indefinitely post- <br />poned. Mr. G. W. Sampson spoke against appropriating more <br />money. Mr. A. E. Scott moved that the town appropriate $16,500 <br />for substituting metal and stone and spoke in favor of his motion. <br />The Moderator ruled that Mr. Brown's motion took precedence of <br />Mr. Scott's, and put the motion of Mr. Brown which he declared <br />carried. The vote was doubted and the house was polled with the <br />following result : 53 in favor and 23 against, and Mr. Brown's <br />motion was declared carried. <br />