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Lexington Town Records. <br />FROM TOWN CLERK'S RECORD. <br />WARRANT FOR 'A TOWN MEETING. <br />Monday, January 29, 1900.. <br />To WILLIAM B. k osiER, Constable of Lexington, GREETING : <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you are <br />hereby required to notify and warn the inhabitants of the town of <br />Lexington, qualified by law to vote in town affairs, to assemble at <br />the Town Hall on Monday, the 29th day of January, A. D., 1900, <br />at 7.30 o'clock p. rn., to act on the following Articles, viz :— <br />ART. 1. To choose a moderator to preside at said meeting. <br />On motion of Mr. Cornelius Wellington, it was voted : that the <br />polls be kept open five minutes for choice of moderator. <br />On ballot, 23 votes were cast as follows : Geo. F. Mead, 1 ; Geo. <br />W. Sampson, 2; E. A. Bayley, 4; J. H. Frizelle, 16; and J. H. <br />Frizelle was declared chosen as moderator and was sworn by the <br />clerk. <br />ART. 2. To see if the town will vote to elect its selectmen in the <br />manner authorized by Section 335 of the Election Act (Chapter <br />504, of the Acts of 1898), to that end passing a vote in substance <br />as follows, to wit <br />I2 <br />Voted: That at the annual meeting in March of the current year, <br />the town shall elect one selectman for the term of one year, one for <br />the term of two years, and one for the term of three years; and that <br />at each annual meeting thereafter it shall elect one selectman for the <br />term of three years. <br />This Article was taken up on motion of Mr. R. P. Clapp, who <br />gave some reasons for the change as it appeared to him. <br />Mr. Jas. Montague rnoved the indefinite postponement of the <br />Article. This was opposed by Mr. G. F. Mead, and indefinite post- <br />ponement was voted down. Mr. Clapp's ideas were approved by <br />Messrs. E. A. Bayley and F. J. Whitton, and opposed by Messrs. C. <br />S. Ryan and John Devine. <br />On vote, the moderator declared the motion carried which was <br />doubted, and the house was polled, when the town voted by 82 in <br />favor to 59 opposed. That at the annual meeting in March ofthe <br />current year, the town shall elect one selectman for the term of one <br />year, one for the term of two years, and one for the term of three <br />years : and that at each annual meeting thereafter it shall elect one <br />selectman for the term of three years. <br />ART. 3. To provide, by Iaw or otherwise, that at any annual <br />town meeting the general transaction of business shall be postponed <br />until an adjourned date, so that the opening day of the meeting <br />may be devoted entirely or chiefly to the required election of town <br />officers by ballot : or to snake any other or further provision relative <br />to the time or manner of conducting business in town meeting. <br />This Article was taken up on motion of Mr. R. P. Clapp, who <br />made some remarks to the effect that attempting to do business <br />while voting was going on was annoying to the presiding officer and <br />all others concerned, and offered a motion that the by- laws be <br />changed in relation to town elections. Mr. J. F. Maynard moved <br />