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33 <br />On motion of Mr. Irving Stone it was <br />Voted, That the selectmen be instructed to cause a con- <br />crete walk to be laid on Bloomfield street, on the south- <br />erly side, from Eustis street to Massachusetts avenue, and <br />that the abutters be charged with one-half the expense there- <br />of, and that the sum of one hundred and seventy ($170) <br />dollars be appropriated and assessed therefor. <br />ART. 27. To see if the town will accept the provisions of <br />Chapter 455 of the Acts of 1894, entitled " An Act relative to <br />the licensing of plumbers and the supervision of the business <br />of plumbing," and any Acts in amendment thereto, or act in any <br />manner relating thereto. <br />On motion of Mr. C. M. Parker it was <br />Voted, That the town accept the provisions of Chapter <br />455 of the Acts of 1894, entitled "An Act relative to the <br />licensing of plumbt•rs and the supervision of the business <br />of plumbing," and any Acts in amendment thereto. <br />ART. 28. To see if the town will appropriate the sum of <br />$5,000 for the purpose of macadamizing Lowell street, from <br />the Arlington line to Woburn street or about two miles, on <br />condition that the stone and gravel be furnished, exclusive of. <br />teaming, by John Maloney, or act in any manner relating <br />thereto. <br />This article caused considerable discussion and was fa- <br />vored by Messrs. George E. Morgan, John F. Maloney, Irv- <br />ing Locke, Franklin Alderman and F. E. Flood and <br />opposed by Messrs, Cornelius Welling on, C. M. Parker <br />and R. P. Clapp. <br />34 <br />A motion to indefinitely postpone was voted down. It <br />was finally <br />Voted, That the matter be referred to the selectmen and <br />that they be requested to give a public hearing on the mat- <br />ter to all parties interested. <br />ART. '29. To see if the town will vote to make the neces- <br />sary changes in the engine house at East Lexington, and make <br />an appropriation therefor, or act in any manner relating <br />thereto. <br />On motion of Mr. C. G. Kauffmann it was <br />Voted, That a committee of three be appointed by the <br />chair to consider the matter and report at an adjournment <br />of this meeting, or at the next town meeting, and the chair <br />appointed as such committee : Charles G. Kauffmann, S. M. <br />Lawrence, John F. Hutchinson. <br />ART. 30. To see if the town will vote to issue bonds to the <br />amount of ten thousand dollars, under the authority and pro- <br />visions of Chapter One Hundred and Sixty (160) of the Acts of <br />1896, for the purpose of refunding an equal amount of bonds of <br />the town denominated "Lexington Water Bonds," which be- <br />come due Nov. 1, 1898, or act in any manner relating thereto. <br />On motion of Mr. J. F. Hutchinson it was <br />Voted, That the town issue ten bonds of one thousand <br />dollars each, dated Nov. 1st, 1898, payable in twenty years <br />from d rteand bearing interest at the rate of four per cent. <br />per annum, principal an , interest to be paid in gold coin of <br />