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31 <br />At the annual town meeting, held March 4, 1889, <br />a vote was passed instructing the Selectmen to peti- <br />tion the Legislature for an amendment to the act of <br />incorporation of the Cary Library whereby the town <br />should have a voice in its management. <br />Agreeable to the above vote, the Legislature was <br />petitioned, and a hearing extending through three <br />days was accorded to said petition (able counsel being <br />employed to represent your interests), with results <br />adverse to your petitioners, and for reasons apparent <br />only to the Third House and an appreciative Legis- <br />lature. <br />HIGHWAYS. <br />The town, at the annual town meeting (acting <br />under the advice of the Surveyors of Highways), <br />made the appropriation for highways to cover general <br />repairs and the carrying into effect the order of the <br />County Commissioners for the widening and straight- <br />ening of Main Street from the Common to Arlington <br />line. <br />From the construction and extent of our highways <br />no inconsiderable sum of money is needed each year <br />to keep them in passable repair. <br />It is the right of every individual, wherever lo- <br />cated, to demand that the roads shall be safe and <br />comfortable; and the constantly increasing travel on <br />our back roads in the summer season renders it still <br />more imperative that all of our roads shall be passa- <br />ble as soon as practicable after the opening of spring. <br />To this end the energy of the department was di- <br />rected, until every street in town was safe and com- <br />fortable for travel. <br />32 <br />This accomplished, such other thorough repairs and <br />improvements were made as would best subserve the <br />public; some in connection with and others independ- <br />ent of the order of the County Commissioners, which, <br />we are happy to say, is so far advanced toward com- <br />pletion that a further expenditure of five hundred <br />dollars will complete it to their acceptance, adding <br />much to the general appearance and convenience of <br />Main Street. <br />We would recommend that the sum of five thou- <br />sand dollars be appropriated for highways the ensu- <br />ing year; the sum to be expended in general repairs <br />and the completion of the order of the Commissioners. <br />PROPERTY BELONGING TO HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT. <br />1 wagon, $15 ; 1 sidehill plough, $3 ; dynamite, $6 <br />2 carts, $90 ; 1 double cart, $60 . . <br />4 collars, 2 set chain Harnesses and express harnesses . <br />8 back saddles and 2 set harnesses <br />Blankets, halters, and surningles . . <br />Drag, evener, and whillletree, $ i ; 14 bushels oats, 55.60, <br />5 bags provender. $4.50 ; 4 horses, $8 <br />Tool chest, drills, and hammers • <br />3 saow-ploughs, $45 ; chains, $5 ; road plough, $25 <br />Road machine, $140 ; bush scythe, SI <br />Shovels, hoes, rakes, etc. . <br />• <br />• <br />S24 00 <br />150 00 <br />80 00 <br />45 00 <br />24 00 <br />12 60 <br />804 .50 <br />12 00 <br />75 00 <br />141 00 <br />4.2 00 <br />$1,410 10 <br />W E BSTER SMITE', <br />CHARLES T. WEST, <br />RUFUJS W. HOLBROOK, <br />Selectmen, Overseers of Poor, Highway Surveyors, <br />and Board of _Health. <br />LEXINGTON, Dec. 81, 1889. <br />