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ANNUAL REPORT OF THE SELECTMEN. <br />Your Selectmen cheerfully and with pleasure acqui- <br />esce in the vote of the town by herewith presenting for <br />examination their report of its financial condition, and <br />a statement of the principal matters which have trans- <br />pired in connection with their official duties the past <br />year. <br />Our report will necessarily be brief, as many of the <br />subjects which for the past few years have either been <br />in litigation or otherwise in an unsettled condition are <br />now closed. <br />The principal matters demanding the heaviest outlay <br />the present year are the schools, whose wants will be <br />explained in the report of the School Committee ; the <br />highways, and the support of the poor, to which your <br />attention is called by reference to the report of the <br />Surveyors of Highways and the Overseers of the Poor. <br />The year just closed has passed with unusual quiet- <br />ness and good order. The services of the police have <br />not been required to suppress any disturbance, neither <br />has any event occurred which has called for the inter- <br />ference of any town officer. <br />One of those praiseworthy and much desired episodes <br />in which the town is the recipient as well as custodian, <br />• <br />4. <br />SELECTMEN'S REPORT. <br />occurred on the second day of November last. A <br />gentleman, whose ancestors were among the most <br />prominent and respected of the early settlers in this <br />town, very thoughtfully, to perpetuate and keep in <br />remembrance the name of " Bridge," now nearly <br />extinct, placed in charge of the town the sum of $2000, <br />to be called the " Bridge Fund," three-fourths of the <br />income to be expended annually among the needy and <br />deserving in town, irrespective of creed or nationality ; <br />one-fourth of the income to be added to the principal <br />until amounting to $400o, then the whole of the <br />income to be used annually. The money is now de- <br />posited awaiting the recommendation of the committee <br />chosen by the town to report for its safe investment. <br />This act cannot fail of calling forth expressions of <br />gratitude from the citizens to the donor, for this kind <br />remembrance of his ancestors, who contributed so <br />much by precept and example, and in every manner <br />possible, in those days when every effort was necessary <br />to sustain it, in its then early settlement. Again, who <br />can estimate in the yearly distribution of the income <br />of this fund, the amount of comfort and relief it may <br />furnish to the needy and unfortunate, or what express- <br />ions of thankfulness will be continually offered to the <br />charitable giver. <br />TOWN BUILDINGS. <br />The town house has been re -slated and new ventila- <br />tors put in ; also, other repairs made that were needed. <br />It is believed the work has been done in a thorough <br />and workmanlike manner. The other town buildings <br />