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CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE REPORT TO 2016 ATM <br />Street Improvements— Financing Components <br />Amount <br />Requested <br />FY17 St. <br />Improvements <br />2001 Override Increased by 2.5% per yea <br />$639,662 <br />Maintenance of unallocated revenue from FY12 Revenue Allocation Model <br />$281,234 <br />Maintenance of unallocated revenue from FY13 Revenue Allocation Model <br />$164,850 <br />FY14 Health Insurance Savings <br />$1,100,000 <br />Additional FY17 Tax Levy Funding <br />$341,089 <br />Estimated Chapter 90 Aid <br />$973,165 <br />$3,500,000 <br />[Brown Book, Page XI -21] <br />Project Description <br />Amount <br />Requested <br />Funding <br />Source <br />Committee Recommends <br />(d) Storm Drainage Improvements <br />and NPDES Compliance <br />$340,000 <br />GF (Debt) <br />Approval (5 -0) <br />"This is an annual request. $40,000 is estimated for the compliance with the construction related portions <br />of the National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) minimum control measures as <br />mandated by EPA in the storm water general permit issued to the Town. This includes the development <br />and submittal of the Notice of Intent and Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) as required by the <br />EPA as well as illicit discharge, detection and elimination. A new EPA NPDES permit is expected to be <br />issued to the Town in January 2016. Requirements measures include illicit discharge detection and <br />elimination, and BMP (best management practices) installation and retrofits. $300,000 will be used to <br />repair /replace drainage structures encountered during the road resurfacing program, repair other drainage <br />areas of concern in town and improve stormwater issues discovered during the NPDES investigation <br />work. <br />"This request will provide funds to restore the function of select town drainage systems. Much of the <br />town has been developed and old systems are inadequate. There are many trouble spots in the watersheds <br />of the Vine Brook, Mill Brook, Beaver Brook, and Kiln Brook as well as other areas throughout town. <br />Recent drainage installation and rehabilitation included Spring Street and Woburn Street. Paul Revere <br />Road has been completed. Illicit discharge detection and elimination has been ongoing in the Vine Brook <br />and Mill Brook which are areas identified to have contamination." <br />[Brown Book, Pages XI -6] <br />The new EPA NPDES permit has not been issued as of this report; therefore, the financial implications it <br />may carry for the Town are not known at this time. <br />Project Description <br />Amount <br />Requested <br />Funding <br />Source <br />Committee Recommends <br />(e) Hydrant Replacement Program <br />$150,000 <br />$75,000 GF <br />(Free Cash) + <br />$75,000 <br />Water EF (RE) <br />Approval (5 -0) <br />"This is an ongoing replacement program designed to maintain the integrity of the fire protection system <br />throughout town. The Town of Lexington has 1,500 fire hydrants in its fire protection system. Faulty <br />hydrants need to be replaced annually to meet safety requirements. A list of hydrants needing replacement <br />each year is generated during the annual inspection and flushing of hydrants by the Water Department and <br />the Fire Department as well as hydrants being replaced for Based on discussions between the Water <br />Department and the Fire Department the target goal is to replace approximately 60 hydrants per year. <br />With a replacement cost of approximately $2,500 per hydrant the capital request will ensure the continued <br />43 <br />