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CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE REPORT TO 2016 ATM <br />(cash or debt). As with any capital project, this Committee will give our recommendation on each of the <br />projects put before the Town Meeting. (See Article 8) <br />The CPA provides an alternative funding mechanism for capital projects. The CPA creates a separate <br />pool of money that can be used for a limited set of projects. It can help accomplish some of the Town's <br />traditional capital needs, but only those that fall within the limited purposes of the Act. <br />See the report of the CPC for information on how Lexington has spent the funds received from its <br />taxpayers and the State under the Act. <br />It is important to note that the projected available CPF cash is not a limitation on what the CPC can <br />recommend to Town Meeting for approval. The method of paying for what the CPC recommends can — <br />and now often does — include, in part or in total, the issuing of debt instruments. It remains the <br />recommendation of this Committee that any such debt be for as short a term as practical after considering <br />the funding projected for the CPF over at least the next 10 years and consideration of projects that might <br />come before the CPC for consideration which would require funds beyond those allocated to the three, <br />mandatory, 10% of revenue, Reserves for use on Open Space, Historic Resources, and Community <br />(Affordable) Housing. If front -end loading of such debt were practical, that, too, remains a <br />recommendation. <br />The debt service on such debt instruments is an obligation borne by the CPF throughout the term of those <br />instruments — whether short -term financing (e.g., notes, such as a Bond Anticipation Note [BAN]) and/or <br />long -term financing (i.e., a Bond). In the future years, it is incumbent on the CPC to recommend to Town <br />Meeting, and for Town Meeting to appropriate in full, those obligatory debt - service payments. (See <br />Article 8(p)) <br />One approach that provides flexibility in making a decision about how much, if any, CPF cash should be <br />applied, up front, for a very -large project is to defer that decision by initially issuing a BAN that has a <br />term of 1 year or less for the full amount of the project. When that BAN matures (which typically carries <br />an interest rate substantially below even the relatively low rates on the Town's bonds), at that time make <br />the decision on whether to use CPF cash to reduce the total for which a bond would then be issued. Doing <br />so permits the Town to have a better idea of how much CPF cash should be held in anticipation of the <br />next —and later— years' demands upon the CPF. That mechanism has been used in the past and this <br />Committee would expect it to be proposed for FY2017 and in the future for other very -large projects. <br />Although there are other factors that will affect the size of the State's CPA Trust Fund from which the <br />supplements are made (e.g., its administrative expenses and interest earned on that Fund), the following <br />table has a year -to -year comparison of CPA Trust Fund collections at the Registry of Deeds, its revenue <br />source, for the first 3 months of this Trust -Fund year which is the latest data we have been given. Also <br />included in the last column is the change from last- year's collections to the year before that so the chart <br />provides the percentages for each of the last two year- over -year comparisons. <br />CPA Trust -Fund (CPATF) Collections at the Registries of Deeds ($M, rounded) <br />Month <br />Comparison of CPATFs <br />Current to Last <br />...... ........... <br />.................. <br />Last: to Its:Previaus <br />...... ........... <br />.................. <br />...... .......... <br />FY2016/2017 <br />FY2015/2016 <br />Change <br />Percentage <br />Reri er tage£henge <br />Nov <br />$2.137 <br />$2.099 <br />$0.038 <br />1.8% <br />$.. °lo;::::::: <br />Dec <br />$1.993 <br />$1.720 <br />$0.274 <br />15.9% <br />S:4%::::::: <br />Jan <br />$2.236 <br />$2.106 <br />$0.129 <br />6.1% <br />::12:3 <br />Totals2 <br />$6.366 <br />$5.925 <br />$0.440 <br />7.4% <br />Source: Massachusetts Department of Revenue's (DOR's) Monthly Reports of Collections & <br />Refunds ( "Blue Book") <br />1 The month of the DOR's "Blue Book ". Although fees allocatable to the CPA Trust Fund are <br />collected in each month, the July through April collections are reported in the subsequent month's <br />report, and then the May & June collections are combined and reported in the June report. <br />2 Totals may differ due to rounding. Does not include any adjustments that may have been made to <br />monthly data prior to the latest month. <br />7 <br />