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CAPITAL EXPENDITURES COMMITTEE REPORT TO STM 2016 -3 <br />Warrant - Article Explanation and Recommendation <br />Article 2: Appropriate For <br />Middle Schools— <br />Additions and <br />Remodeling <br />Fund <br />Authorization <br />Requested <br />Funding <br />Source <br />Committee Recommends <br />$62,197,000 <br />GF (Candidate for <br />Debt - Exclusion <br />Vote) <br />Approval (5 -0) <br />"To see if the Town will vote to appropriate a sum of money for constructing, originally equipping and <br />furnishing additions to the Clarke and Diamond Middle Schools and for remodeling, reconstructing and <br />making extraordinary repairs to the existing Middle Schools, including original equipment and <br />furnishings, and for the payment of all other costs incidental and related thereto; determine whether the <br />money shall be provided by the tax levy, by transfer from available funds, by borrowing, possibly <br />contingent on a referendum pursuant to MGL c.59, §21C, or by any combination of these methods; <br />determine if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to apply for, accept, expend and borrow in <br />anticipation of state aid; or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />"DESCRIPTION: It is anticipated that there will be two parts to the motion for this article. The first part <br />will seek an appropriation for renovation work at Clarke and Diamond Middle Schools (Phase 1) that, due <br />to existing enrollment, it is imperative that the work be completed this summer, before the beginning of <br />the 2016/2017 school year. The second part will be for the design and construction of renovations and <br />additions to Clarke and Diamond Middle Schools (Phase 2) to address anticipated school enrollments. <br />Phase 2 work will be completed over the next 18 months for the Clarke School and 30 months for the <br />Diamond School. While it is anticipated that both Phase 1 and 2 of this project will be included as part of <br />a Debt Exclusion question submitted to the voters later this spring, the Phase 1 work needs to be <br />completed in time for the 2016/2017 school year. The contract for this work, therefore, will need to be <br />signed the first week of April, before the likely debt exclusion vote. The contract for the Phase 2 work <br />will go forward only if the debt exclusion vote is approved." <br />[Town of Lexington Warrant for the Special Town Meeting 2016 -3 ", February 1, 2016, Page 5] <br />The dollar amount of this request is based on the latest total - projects -cost estimate (released this <br />March 7th) totaling $66,615,000 less $4,418,753 from two previous appropriations for these projects <br />($2,467,753, a portion of the $4,080,000 appropriation at the March 23, 2015, STM #1, Article 2, and <br />$1,951,000, a portion of the $5,386,000 appropriation at the November 2, 2015 STM #1, Article 2). (The <br />net amount is rounded up to the nearest thousand dollars as this is proposed for debt financing which is <br />issued at the thousands level.) Of the requested amount, $4,104,940 is for the Part 1 prioritized scope; <br />$58,091,307 is for the Part 2 completion of scope. This Committee is pleased that the recommended <br />value - engineering and peer- review processes were undertaken to look for cost savings and validation of <br />the design. The current cost estimate reflects the benefits from both efforts. <br />The space needs at the Middle School level are well documented. For this Committee's previous, <br />extensive, reporting on these projects, please see the CEC Report to November 2, 2015, STM #1, <br />available at <http: // records /WebLink8 /0 /doc /246498 /Pagel.aspx >. For graphics of the <br />physical changes to be made to both schools as of the Design Development stage, you will find them at <br />< http:// www /projects /lexington- middle - schools /home / >. (There, click on <br />one of the schools and on the next page, click on the "Design Development" link.) <br />The two Middle Schools are currently overcrowded and the enrollment is expected to continue to <br />increase. (Lexington Public Schools (LPS) projections based on the Enrollment Working Group <br />methodology) The current capacity, given the need for general education, special education, music, art, <br />cafeteria and other space is based on the number of teams and the desired size of the teams. DiNisco <br />Design Partnership., contracted by the town to assist in the planning- and - design phase of the project, puts <br />the capacity at nine teams in each school for a total of 18 teams. The School Committee has not taken an <br />official position on the desired team size, but the working assumption is 86 students per team. This results <br />Page 1 of 2 <br />