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AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING <br /> AGENDAITEM TITLE: <br /> Approve Expenditure of Funds for Gift of Cash Received by Fire Department <br /> PRE E TER• ITEM <br /> S N . <br /> NUMBER: <br /> Jim Malloy, Town Manager <br /> I.2 <br /> S UMMARY: <br /> Category:Decision-Making <br /> T he L exingto n R o tary C lub has d o nated $15,412 to the L exingto n F ire D ep artment to b e us e d to p urc has e a <br /> D J I Matric e M 3 0 T p ub lic s afety dro ne. T his dro ne will allo w the F ire D ep artment to utilize this tec hno lo gy to <br /> as s is t at many d ifferent inc id ents. Examp le s inc lud e large s truc ture fire s, b rus h fire s, HAZ MAT, and mis s ing <br /> p ers o ns. T he us e s o f this tec hno lo gy will b e a great b enefit to the o verall o p eratio ns o f the F ire D ep artment. <br /> Und er M G L C h. 44, §5 3 A To wn D ep artments c an ac c ep t a c as h gift, b ut c anno t s p end it until the S elec t <br /> Board has approved the purp o s e for which the donation was made and authorize the purchas e. <br /> SUGGESTED MOTION: <br /> Mo ve to autho rize the us e o f fund s d o nated b y the R o tary fo r the p urp o s e o f p urc has ing a dro ne as p re s ente d <br /> b y the F ire D ep artment. <br /> FOLLOW-UP: <br /> DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: <br /> 4/10/2023 6:25pm <br /> ATTACHMENTS: <br /> Description Type <br /> � ��c:m����.�����;��� ������� �����ai�� <br />