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AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY <br /> LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING <br /> AGENDAITEM TITLE: <br /> Approve and Sign Proclamations <br /> PRE E TER• ITEM <br /> S N . <br /> NUMBER: <br /> Jill Hai, S elect Board Chair <br /> C.1 <br /> S UMMARY: <br /> Category:Decision-Making <br /> T he S e lec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ap p ro ve and s ign p ro c lamatio ns rec o gnizing the fo llo wing: <br /> • National Library Week to be celebrated from April 23, 2023 to April 29, 2023. This proclamation <br /> enc o urage s all c itizens to rec o gnize the s taff o f the C ary M emo rial L ib rary and to vis it the L ib rary to take <br /> advantage o f the wo nd erful re s o urc e s availab le. <br /> • Arbo r D ay is b eing rec o gnized natio nally o n F riday,Ap ril 2 8, 2023. T his p ro c lamatio n urge s all <br /> citizens to support efforts to protect trees and woodlands and to support our town's urban forestry <br /> program and also to urge all citizens to plant and protect trees to promote the well-being of present and <br /> future generatio ns. <br /> • National Gun Violence Awareness Day is recognized nationally each year on the first Friday in June. <br /> T his year, National Gun Vio lenc e Awarenes s Day will b e rec o gnized on F riday, June 2, 2023 by the <br /> To wn o f L exingto n. T he p ro c lamatio n wo uld ho no r and rememb er all vic tims and s urvivo rs o f gun <br /> vio lenc e throughout the country. <br /> SUGGESTED MOTION: <br /> To approve and sign proclamations recognizing National Library Week from Apri123, 2023 to Apri129, 2023; <br /> Arbor Day on Friday,April 28, 2023 and National Gun Violence Awareness Day on Friday, June 2, 2023, the <br /> first F riday in June. <br /> Move to approve the consent. <br /> FOLLOW-UP: <br />