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'Vo LLD , That for the purpose of providing funds for the <br /> extension of water mains , the Town 'Treasurer oe and <br /> hereby is authorized to issue and sell under the direction <br /> and with the approval of the Selectmen, negotiable <br /> registered or coupon oonds of the town in serial form to <br /> the aggregate principal amount of $4000.00, bearing interest <br /> at the rate of 42,a per annum, payable semi-annually, and <br /> payable both principal and interest in gold coin of the <br /> United states of America of the present standard of weight <br /> and fineness , such bonds to be signed by the Treasurer <br /> and countersigned by a majority of the Selectmen, and so <br /> arranged that 81000.00 of the principal will fall due <br /> and payable in each of the years 1918 - 1919 - 1920 - 1921 <br /> [ inclusive ." , <br /> or take any action in relation thereto . <br /> Art. 5 . To see if the town will vote to amend the vote passed <br /> at the adjourned annual town meeting .,.arch 12 , 1917 , under <br /> Articles 34 and 35 of the warrant for said meeting, which vote was <br /> as follows - <br /> "VJTsa, That the yngi veers of the Tire Department be <br /> instructed to purchase a new motor ladder truck, the cost <br /> not to exceed µ6500.00 and also a suitable chassis upon <br /> watch to place the equipment of Chemical 71 and such other <br /> equipment as the EngLneers nay deem necessary et a cost <br /> not exceeding 41500.00. And that for this purpose the <br /> Town treasurer be and hereby is authorized to issue and <br /> sell under the direction and with the approval of the <br /> oelectuen negotiable registered or coupon bonds of the <br /> Town in serial form to the aggregate principal amount of <br /> $6000. nearing interest at the lowest rate obtainable , <br /> payable semi-annually and payable both principal and <br /> interest in gold coin of the united States of America of <br /> the present standard of weight and fi aeness , such bond; <br /> to be signed by the Treasurer and countersigned by a <br /> majority of the Selectmen, so arranged that bl000.v0 of <br /> the principal will fall due and payable in 1918 and x1000.00 <br /> annually until 1925 , <br /> b— providi_,g that said debt shall be payable in annual instalments <br /> within the period of five years , in compliance with the :iassac'r_u- <br /> setts acts of 1913 , c . 719 , Sec . 5 ( 11) and oy specifying that the <br /> bonds therein provided shall bear interest at the rate of 4hp per <br /> annum, - or take any action in relation thereto . <br /> Art. 6 . To see if the town will vote to amend the vote passed <br /> at the town meeting of June 25 , 1917 , under article 10 of the <br /> warrant for said meeting , by striking out the "cords "at the lowest <br /> rate obtainable" , and inserting in place thereof the words "at the <br /> rate of 421. per annum' , - so that said vote snail read as follows <br /> " V.i'i':..L That the Selectmen be , and they are hereby <br /> authorized to enter into an agreement with the State <br />