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conveyance by the Town to the Baskins of a strip of land <br />on Adams Street having a frontage of about 20 feet, a <br />depth of about 150 feet, and an area of about 3,000 square <br />feet, which immediately adjoins land of said Baskins on <br />Adams Street; appropriate money therefor and determine <br />whether the money shall be provided by the current tax <br />levy or by transfer from available funds, or by any com- <br />bination of these methods; or act in any other manner in <br />relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 44. To see if the Town will vote to close the <br />Town Office Building on Saturdays by voting to amend <br />Section 6 of Article VI of the General By -Laws by strik- <br />ing out said section and inserting in place thereof a new <br />Section 6 to read substantially as follows, or act in any <br />other manner in relation thereto. <br />Section 6. That portion of the Town Office Building <br />which is occupied by the offices of the Board of Select- <br />men, or Board of Public Works, the Town Clerk, the <br />Town Treasurer, and the Collector of Taxes, shall be <br />kept open continuously for the transaction of ,business <br />for eight hours each week day except holidays and Sat- <br />urdays, the particular hours to be arranged by the <br />Selectmen for the convenience of the public, and may <br />be kept open during such evening hours as the Select- <br />men may from time to time determine. <br />ARTICLE 45. To see if the Town will vote to purchase, <br />take by eminent domain, or otherwise acquire land in <br />Lexington and Bedford situated immediately northerly <br />of and adjoining Westview Cemetery, the same to be <br />added to the cemetery land; appropriate money therefor <br />and determine whether the money shall be provided by <br />the current tax levy or by transfer from available funds, <br />including the Westview Sale of Lots Fund, or by any com- <br />bination of these methods; or act in any other manner in <br />relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 46. To see if the Town will appropriate a <br />sum of money for road and fence construction and repair <br />in the Sunset Section layout in Westview Cemetery and <br />determine whether the money shall be provided by the <br />current tax levy or by transfer from availablerfunds, in- <br />cluding the Westview Sale of Lots Fund, or by any com- <br />bination of these methods, or act in any other manner in <br />relation thereto. <br />ARTICLE 47. To see if the Town will vote to accept <br />Chapter.537 of the Acts of 1951 which provides for com- <br />pulsory step -rate increases in salary to persons holding <br />positions in the Public Welfare Department, the amount <br />of which is to be fixed in the Welfare Compensation Plan <br />and paid annually until the maximum salary which is set <br />forth in the Welfare Compensation Plan has been reached. <br />(Inserted at the request of ten or more registered <br />voters.) <br />ARTICLE 48. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />and direct the appoint a Youth Study Com- <br />mission of not less than 15 citizens including representa- <br />tives of Youth; said Commission to consult with all de- <br />partments having responsibility for the Education and <br />Welfare of the youth of the Town; to seek suggestions <br />from citizens committees, private agencies, and local busi- <br />nesses dealing with such youth in matters concerning <br />youth's welfare, and to report findings and recommenda- <br />tions at the next annual town meeting. <br />(Inserted at the request of ten or more registered <br />voters.) <br />ARTICLE 49. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen to designate a member of the Lexington <br />Police force as Youth Patrol Officer, such officer to give <br />full time to any and all matters concerning the Youth <br />of the town; and to see if the town will appropriate a <br />sum not exceeding $6,000.00 for salary and expenses re- <br />sulting <br />therefrom; or act in any other natter relating <br />thereto. <br />(Inserted at the request of ten or more registered <br />voters.) <br />ARTICLE 50. To see if the Town will amend its Zon- <br />ing By -Law by striking out Sub -paragraphs 1. and 2. of <br />Paragraph (f) of Section 4. thereof, as amended, and by <br />substituting therefor new Sub -paragraphs 1. and 2. as <br />follows: <br />1. A district 1,200 feet wide on the northeasterly side <br />of the railroad right of way extending from the north- <br />westerly line of the northern circumferential highway <br />to the southeasterly line of Westview Street. <br />2. A district 2,400 feet wide on the southwesterly side <br />of the railroad right of way extending from the north- <br />westerly line of the northern circumferential highway <br />to the southerly line of Westview Street and the Lexing- <br />ton -Bedford town line. <br />(Inserted at the request of ten or more registered <br />voters.) <br />ARTICLE 51. To see if the Town will vote to install <br />a sanitary sewer or sewers to serve that part of Lexington <br />known as "Sunnyfield" area as shown on a set of plans <br />in the office of the Town Engineer, and to take by eminent <br />domain, purchase or otherwise acquire any fee, easement <br />or other interest in land necessary therefor; appropriate <br />a sum of money for such installation and land acquisition; <br />and determine whether the money shall be provided by <br />the current tax levy, by transfer from available funds, <br />including any special sewer funds, or by borrowing, or <br />by any combination of these methods; or act in any other <br />manner in relation thereto. <br />(Inserted ,at the request of ten or more registered <br />voters.) <br />ARTICLE 52. To see if the Town will authorize the <br />Selectmen to sell and convey the land on Meriam Street <br />known as the Old Fire Station Site, upon such terms and <br />conditions as they deem proper; or act in any other man- <br />ner in relation thereto; said land being described as fol- <br />lows: <br />Beginning at a stone bound on the southeasterly side <br />line of Meriam Street at the property now or formerly <br />of Henry P. Boutelle, thence running northeasterly along <br />Meriam Street a distance of 42.90 feet to a stone bound. <br />Thence turning at an angle of 90° 00' and running south- <br />easterly by land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a <br />distance of 79.56 feet to a stone bound. Thence turning <br />at an angle of 90° 20' 30" and running southwesterly by <br />land now or formerly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of <br />42.68 feet to a point. Thence turning at an angle of <br />89° 49' 30" and running northwesterly by land now "or for- <br />merly of Henry P. Boutelle a distance of 79.73 feet to the <br />point of beginning and containing 3,407 plus or minus <br />square feet. <br />ARTICLE 53. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Assessors to use money from available funds toward <br />the reduction of the 1952 .tax rate, or act in any other <br />manner in relation thereto. <br />And you are directed to serve this warrant seven days at least before the time of said meeting as <br />provided in the By -Laws of the Town. <br />Hereof fail not, and make due return on this warrant, with your doings thereon, to the Town Clerk, <br />on or before the time of said meeting. <br />Given under our hands at Lexington, this eleventh day of February, A. D., 1952. <br />A true copy, Attest: <br />James F. Mowat <br />Constable of Lexington. <br />DONALD E. NICKERSON <br />GEORGE W. EMERY SELECTMEN <br />FREDERICK M. GAY - OF <br />LEWIS L. HOYT LEXINGTON <br />WILLIAM H. DRISCOLL <br />