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than twelve thousand five hundred (12,500) square feet. <br />On each side of each dwelling, garage, barn, ,stable or <br />other accessory permitted structure nearest each sideline <br />there shall be provided a side yard of at least 15 feet in <br />width and no building or structure shall be moved, altered, <br />reconstructed, enlarged or rebuilt in such districts so that <br />a side yard less in width shall result. <br />No lot in R.1 or R.2 Districts, upon which is located <br />any dwelling or other permitted structure and accessory <br />structures or for which a building permit has issued and <br />is still outstanding, shall be subdivided and reduced so that <br />said lot shall have a lot frontage and area less than, or <br />side yards and street setback less than, the minimum re- <br />quired. Nor shall any lot in said Districts, upon which <br />permitted structures have been erected or moved or for <br />which a building permit has issued and is still outstanding, <br />be subdivided in any manner unless said structure shall <br />retain the required frontage, area, side yard, and street <br />depth upon a street or highwa existing at the time of <br />erection or moving thereon or a street constructed there- <br />after in accordance with existing Town Laws. No land <br />conveyed, devised, or otherwise transferred that violates <br />the restrictions on subdivisions of lots herein set forth <br />shall be included in determining the frontage and area of <br />any other lot, and the building inspector, or other person <br />authorized to issue permits to erect or 'move structures <br />thereon, shall not issue a permit unless said other lot con- <br />tains the required frontage and area exclusive of land <br />transferred in violation of the restrictions pertaining to <br />subdivisions. <br />The provisions of this section pertaining to side -yards <br />only shall not apply to lots of less than 100 -foot frontage <br />duly recorded by plan or deed at the time this By -Law is <br />adopted. However, on such lots there shall be provided <br />on the side of each dwelling, garage, barn, stable or other <br />accessory permitted structure nearest each side line a side <br />yard, as follows: On lots recorded previous to July 19, 1929 <br />the side yard shall be at least 7.5 feet in width and on <br />lots recorded after July 19, 1929 but before October 6, <br />1938 the side yard shall be at least 10 feet in width; and <br />on lots recorded after October 6, 1938 and prior to the <br />adoption of this amendment the side yard shall be at least <br />15 feet in width." <br />Article 38. To see if the Town will vote to amend <br />its Zoning By -Laws by striking out paragraph (a) of <br />Section 7 and substituting in lieu thereof the following: <br />"7(a) —In residence districts designated as R.1 a yard <br />of at least thirty feet in depth and in width between the <br />exterior lines of the streets and not less than fifty feet <br />from the center line of such streets, whether accepted or <br />not, and the adjacent line of any porch or building shall be <br />provided for every lot of land, and in R.2 and T.1 and <br />C.1 districts designated at the following points, namely, <br />junction of Waltham Street and Marrett Road, known as <br />Grape Vine Corner; junction of Marrett Road and Spring <br />Street; junction of Lincoln and School Streets and Mar- <br />rett Road, commonly known as "The Five Forks"; junction <br />of Waltham Street and Concord Avenue; ' junction of <br />Woburn and Lowell Streets and the junction of Lowell <br />and North Streets, and in C.1 Districts hereafter created, <br />a yard of at least twenty feet in depth between the ex- <br />terior line of the street, and not less than forty feet from <br />the center line of such street, whether accepted or not, and <br />the adjacent line of any porch or building, shall be pro- <br />vided for every lot of land, and no new building or struc- <br />ture shall be constructed and no building or structure shall <br />be moved, altered, reconstructed, enlarged or rebuilt in <br />such districts so that a yard less in depth shall result; ex- <br />cept that this section shall not apply to buildings fronting <br />on streets on which building lines shall have been specially <br />established according to law during or subsequent to the <br />year 1924." <br />Article 39. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen to acquire for public purposes the so-called <br />Mara property on Meriam Street, comprising about 12,163 <br />square feet, more or less, belonging to the estate of or <br />the heirs of Edward H. Mara, and to provide for the pay- <br />ment therefor by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, <br />by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, <br />or act in any other manner in, relation thereto. <br />Article 40. To see if the Town will vote to appro- <br />priate a sum of money for the purchase of equipment for <br />the Department of Public Works and provide for payment <br />therefor by direct appropriation, by transfer from avail- <br />able funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 41. To see if the Town will vote to make a <br />supplementary appropriation to cover the expense of <br />grading the enclosed athletic field, and to provide payment <br />therefor by direct appropriation, by transfer from avail- <br />able funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 42. To see if the Town will vote to appro- <br />priate a sum of money to purchase a fence for Belfry Hill . <br />and to provide for payment therefor by direct appropria- <br />tion, by transfer from available funds, or act in any other <br />manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 43. To see if the Town will appropriate the <br />sum of $5,024.17 to pay for services rendered in complet- <br />ing plans and specifications for proposed additions to the <br />library building, and to provide for the payment therefor <br />by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, <br />or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 44. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the High School planning Committee to obtain detailed <br />plans, specifications and working drawings for a new <br />Senior High School and to provide for the payment there- <br />for by direct appropriation, by transfer from available <br />funds, by the issue of notes or bonds of the Town, by a <br />combination of these methods; or make application and <br />enter into any necessary agreement in order to obtain an <br />advance or loan from the Federal Works Agency to pro- <br />vide for such payment; .or act in any other manner in re- <br />lation thereto. - <br />Article 45. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />and direct the Selectmen to take the necessary steps to <br />have the Massachusetts General Court enact legislation <br />authorizing the Town to borrow funds outside the debt <br />limit to provide the estimated cost of a new Senior High <br />School, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 46. To see if the Town will determine the <br />location of a new elementary school building and will auth- <br />orize the Moderator to appoint a committee of seven to <br />obtain preliminary plans and estimates for the construc- <br />tion of such building and report not later than the next <br />Annual Town Meeting, and provide for the payment there- <br />for by direct appropriation, by transfer from available <br />funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 47. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to purchase or <br />take by eminent domain as a site for school purposes <br />17,200 square feet of land more or less with the buildings <br />thereon, belonging to Stephen F. and Nellie J. Hamblin, <br />situated at number 45 Parker Street and bounded and des- <br />cribed as follows: easterly by said Parker Street, south- <br />erly by land now or formerly of Stanley I. and Margaret <br />A. Phalen, westerly by land of the Town of Lexington and <br />northerly by land now or formerly of William J. and Edith <br />Nagle, and to provide for payment therefor by direct ap- <br />propriation, by transfer from available funds or by the <br />issue of bonds or notes of the Town, or act in any other <br />Manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 48. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to purchase or take <br />by eminent domain as a site for school purposes 19,000 <br />square feet of land more or less with the buildings thereon, <br />belonging to Stanley I. and Margaret A. Phalen, situated <br />at number 47 Parker Street and bounded and described as <br />follows: easterly by said Parker Street, southerly by land <br />now or formerly of Paul A. and Violet M. Ringland, west- <br />erly by land of the Town of Lexington and northerly by <br />land now or formerly of Stephen F. and Nellie J. Ham- <br />blin, and to provide for payment therefor by direct appro- <br />priation, by transfer from available funds or by the issue <br />of bonds or notesof the Town, or act in any other manner <br />in -relation thereto. <br />Article 49. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to purchase or take <br />by eminent domain as a site for school purposes 16,800 <br />square feet of land more or less with the buildings thereon <br />belonging to Paul A. and Violet M. Ringland, situated at <br />number 49 Parker Street and bounded and described as <br />follows: easterly by said Parker Street, southerly by <br />Clarke Street, westerly by land of the Town of Lexington <br />and northerly by land now or formerly of Stanley I. and <br />Margaret A. Phalen, and to provide for payment therefor <br />by direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds <br />or by the issue of bonds or notes of the Town, or act in - <br />any other manner in relation thereto. <br />