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Article 17. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen to construct cement or bituminous concrete <br />sidewalks where the abutting owner pays one-half of the <br />cost, and provide funds for said construction by direct ap- <br />propriation, by transfer from available funds, or by a <br />combination of these two methods, or act in any other <br />manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 18. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen to construct curbings, and provide funds for <br />said construction by direct appropriation, by transfer from <br />available funds, or by a combination of these two methods, <br />or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 19. To see if the Town will make a supple- <br />mentary construction appropriation to be used in con- <br />junction with money already appropriated, to cover ex- <br />penses incidental to the completion of the new Central <br />Fire Station, and to provide funds for such expenses by <br />transfer from available funds, by direct appropriation, or <br />act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 20. To see if the Town will vote to appro- <br />priate a sum of money for the erection of a locker building <br />at the Center Playground, and to provide payment there- <br />for by direct appropriation, by transfer from available <br />funds, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 21. To see if the Town will vote to appropri- <br />ate money for the improvement of lowlands and swamps <br />and the eradication of mosquitoes under Chapter 252 of <br />the General Laws or for the eradication of mosquitoes by <br />the Board of Health of Lexington or appropriate money <br />under Sec. 4A of Chap. 252 of the General Laws for the <br />purpose as set forth in that Section. <br />Article 22. To see if the Town will vote to enlarge the <br />scope of the Road Machinery Fund by crediting to said <br />fund an amount based on hourly rental for the use of <br />motorized equipment of the Public Works Department <br />when used on various projects carried on under the direc- <br />tion of said Department, the amount of said charge not <br />to exceed the amount allowed by the State for the use <br />of similar equipment, or act in any other manner in rela- <br />tion thereto. <br />Article 23. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Board of Selectmen to appoint one of its members to <br />the Board of Appeals, in accordance with G. L. Chapter <br />41, Section 4A, or act in any other manner in relation <br />thereto. <br />Article 24. To see if the Town will vote to install <br />street lights in such unaccepted streets as the Selectmen <br />may determine during the year 1947, or act in any other <br />manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 25. To see if the Town will vote to appro- <br />priate money to pay the necessary expenses of School <br />Officers ,incurred outside the Commonwealth in securing <br />information upon matters in which the Town is interested <br />or which may tend to improve the service in the School <br />Department. <br />Article 26. To see if the Town will vote to appro- <br />priate a sum of money for developing a play area in the <br />rear of the High School building, and to provide for the <br />payment therefor by direct appropriation, by transfer <br />from available funds, or act in any other manner in rela- <br />tion thereto. <br />Article 27. To see if the Town will vote to appro- <br />priate a sum of money for completing and equipping ad- <br />ditional classrooms in the Adams School and to provide for <br />the payment -therefor by direct appropriation, by trans- <br />fer from available funds, or by the issue of notes or bonds <br />of the Town or by a combination of any of these methods, <br />or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 28. To see if the Town will vote to accept <br />Chapter 559 of the Acts of 1946, authorizing increases of <br />the amounts of pensions payable to certain former public <br />employees who have been retired. <br />Article 29. To see if the Town will vote to appro- <br />priate a sum of money for the purpose of carrying out <br />the provisions of Chapter 559 of the Acts of 1946, if ac- <br />cepted by the Town, and provide for payment therefor by <br />direct appropriation, by transfer from available funds, <br />or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 30. To see if the Town will purchase or <br />accept as a gift, or authorize the Selectmen to purchase <br />or accept as a gift for park or other municipal purposes <br />the land in the vicinity of Munroe Station lying between <br />Massachusetts Avenue and the property and location of <br />the Boston & Maine Railroad and lying between the right- <br />of-way leading from Massachusetts Avenue to the Rail- <br />road location and Tower Park, containing approximately <br />twenty-six thousand four hundred (26,400) square feet, <br />and appropriate the money therefor. <br />(Inserted at the request of ten or more registered voters) <br />Article •31. To see if the Town will vote to amend <br />the Building Laws by substituting at the end of line 3, <br />Section 2, Article XIX, the word "ten" for the word <br />"six" so that the same will read as follows: "A sign <br />attached to a store or other commercial front may extend <br />the full width of such front, but shall not be more than <br />three feet overall in height: In no event shall it project <br />more than ten inches from the face of the wall nor pro- <br />ject above the roof line. <br />There shall be not more than one exterior sign for <br />each firm or business occupying a building and all such <br />signs shall be erected flat against the building. <br />All new signs shall conform to this Article, and all <br />signs must conform not later than January 1, 1946." <br />Article 32. To see if the Town will vote to accept <br />Section 16B• of Chapter 147 of the General Laws of Mas- <br />sachusetts relative to excusing members of the Police De- <br />partment from duty for one day out of every six without <br />loss of pay, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br />Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to amend <br />the General By-laws of the Town of Lexington by adding <br />to'Article XXVI the following: <br />"Section 3V No person shall, except as authorized or re- <br />quired by law, fire or discharge any gun, fowling piece, or <br />other firearms or an air rifle in the Town of Lexington; <br />but the provisions of this section shall not apply to the <br />Chief of Police or other police officers • in• the performance <br />of their duties nor to the use of such weapons at any <br />military exercise or' in the lawful defense of the person, <br />family, or property of any citizen, nor to the rights and <br />privileges of an owner or lessee of land as set forth in <br />Chapter 131 of the General Laws." <br />Article 34. To see if the flown will vote to amend <br />Section 6 of Article 6 of the General By-laws of the Town <br />of Lexington by substituting the word "three" for the <br />word "four" between the words "for" and "hours" in the <br />fifth line of said section so that said Section 6 will read <br />as follows: <br />"Section 6. That portion of the Town Office Building which <br />is occupied by the offices of the Board of Selectmen, or <br />Board of Public Works, the Town Clerk, the Town Treas- <br />urer, and the Collector of Taxes, shall be kept open con- <br />tinuously for the transaction of business for eight hours <br />each week day, except holidays, and on Saturdays for <br />three hours, the particular hours to be arranged by the <br />Selectmen for the convenience of the public." <br />Article 35. To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br />the Selectmen to sell and convey to the Lexington Golf <br />Club a parcel of land beginning at the northerly corner <br />of the Alms House lot, which is at the corner of Hill and <br />Cedar Streets, thence southwesterly by McEnroe distant <br />about 150 feet to a point, thence southeasterly by Town of <br />Lexington distant about 308 feet to a point, thence north- <br />easterly by Town of Lexington distant about 135 feet to <br />a point, thence northeasterly by Lexington Golf Club dis- <br />tant about 308 feet to the point of beginning, containing <br />approximately one acre, upon such terms' and conditions <br />as the 'Selectmen may approve. <br />Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to amend <br />the Zoning By -Law by striking out paragraph 18 of Sec- <br />tion 3 and substituting therefor the following: <br />"At the junction of Marrett Road and School Street, Mar- <br />rett Road and Lincoln Street, Lincoln and School Streets, <br />commonly known as "The Five Forks", a business district <br />extending from the junction points of the side lines of and <br />upon both sides of the intersecting streets for a distance <br />of 200 feet and of a` depth of 100 feet from the adjacent <br />street line in each instance." <br />Article 37. To see if the Town will vote to amend <br />the Zoning By -Law by striking out paragraph (a) of Sec- <br />tion 6 and substituting in lieu therefor the following: <br />"6(a) —In R.1 and R.2 Districts no dwelling shall be <br />erected or moved upon land laid out for house lots after <br />the adoption of this amendment to the Zoning By -Law <br />unless there shall be provided for each such dwelling or <br />other permitted structure a lot frontage of not less than <br />100 feet upon the frontage street and an area of not less <br />