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DESCRIPTION: The State Zoning Act includes some limitations that prevent cities and <br /> towns from regulating the construction of larger houses on small lots. This article will <br /> authorize the town to file a "home rule petition" with the Massachusetts Legislature to <br /> modify the State Zoning Act as it applies to Lexington. If the Legislature approves the Act, <br /> a later town meeting will be required to amend the Lexington Zoning By-Law to adopt new <br /> regulations for the construction of larger houses on small lots. <br /> More information on the so-called "mansionization" or "tear down" phenomenon can be found in <br /> a report, "Larger Houses in Existing Neighborhoods," on the Town of Lexington Web Page at <br /> http://www.lexingtonma.ora/LexDir/towndocs/housinR/renort.htm <br /> ARTICLE 15 WETLANDS PROTECTION BY-LAW REVISIONS <br /> To see if the Town will vote to amend Article XXXII of the General By-Laws (Wetland Protection) <br /> by making technical corrections and changes to include additional wetland areas not currently <br /> protected under the by-law and by adding a new section 8 relating to a fee for the reasonable costs <br /> and expenses borne by the Conservation Commission for specific expert consultant services, all as <br /> shown on a document on file in the office of the Town Clerk; or act in any other manner in relation <br /> thereto. <br /> (Inserted at the request of the Conservation Commission) <br /> DESCRIPTION: Sections of the By-Law would be amended to add Riverfront Area as a <br /> protected resource area to bring the By-Law into compliance with State's Wetlands <br /> Protection Act, Chapter 131, §40; to organize and detail the definitions of each of the <br /> protected wetlands resource areas to conform more closely to the State's Wetlands Protection <br /> Act and its Regulations; and to correct omissions, typographical errors and to clarify <br /> interpretations and processes. The language inserted in Section 8 will permit the <br /> Conservation Commission to impose a fee on applicants filing to do work near a wetlands <br /> under the State's Wetlands Protection Act and the Town's By-Law for Wetland Protection to <br /> cover the cost of obtaining expert engineering and environmental consulting services and <br /> doing research on these projects. <br /> ARTICLE 16 TRANSFER OF HENNESSY FIELD TO CONSERVATION <br /> To see if the Town will vote to transfer the care, custody,management and control of all or any <br /> part of the land acquired by an order of taking dated June 25, 1962 and recorded in the Middlesex <br /> South Registry of Deeds, Book 10065, Page 405 and known as Hennessy's Field to the <br /> Conservation Commission for conservation purposes as provided by Section 8C of Chapter 40 of <br /> the General Laws, as amended, or act in any other manner in relation thereto. <br /> (Inserted by the Board of Selectmen) <br /> 12 <br />