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" -. . . <br /> _ _ <br /> NAH�TM MIT C I��L�, ��Q•�TIRE, _ � � . � � <br /> ; Q . �. <br /> , ��� � : <br /> ' TREASURER .A.ND R,ECJEIVER �GEN�RAL O� SAID COMIVION��EAL'TH. �;�� ��. � � <br /> ���, � � , <br /> `�� �D� Y.�' �f��<f�`Cl :,rf �}�[� , �F/ . <br /> To �he �SSESSOR� o� SELECT�E�N, of the ,� - .- _, , f ;, ,,� �� <br /> �, . ,� <br /> t: , <br /> �� � ,�.., �,,. . <br /> �N obedience to a law of the Commonwealth aforesaid,passed the eleventh d�y of I�'ebruausand 2Fo c�t�Hun��d� c��aEp�tyll)ollaasa p id ou o <br /> of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars, and providing for the reimbursement of Tu�enty Tho , <br /> the Yublic 1'reasury� to the �M1�embers of the House of l�,epresentatives� for their attendance the two last s����s o�,��e�GeneralcCourt. <br /> �� � RI Q t1� � C �IItC Qf ��e �COII�I�CO1t1UCa�.� 0� �����C���C���, �o������: ��cl require you forth- <br /> � e � � � . ,� - _� & �,�f � bein� <br /> with to �.ssess, in dolla�s and cents� the sum of ` � ' v '� , ,` ,'. <br /> ` the siim, by'said A.ct, set upon said , ' - <br /> the s�me to be as�es�ed in ma,nner follotivin;� that is to say:....To tax each male poll, above the age of slxteei� �ears, �w'��hin said � �' <br /> or other places adjoining, belongin� ta no�other to.wn�►��1����x�'t; (p,rovided such pla.ces were <br /> returned or includecl in the last vali�atian,) at eleven cents e�,ch ; and all the polls afodes�id, lse�n� minars, t�nd��' �e'����ai�te�government of a <br /> parent, tmastei, or mistress, li��iug in or ,; �a�y be�ta�.ec�._to �uc�� parent, inaster or mistress� <br /> s ectivel other��ise to be per�onally t�,xed, at the rate aforesaid,for his �all� �s'tl�o�ag� he were of full �g�; and aftet;=cl,�clucting tlie sums`assessed. <br /> re p y, as afaresaidr to �sses� on.�h� in�hab'itants'of said <br /> on the polls a� aforesaicl� the reanainal�r of sucli sum, so set to said � ` • .-�� -a � .; ; or otfier lace <br /> � �.cco�dia�; ta t�ie ju�t valeie of the real e����,S;e o� each in�a�,i�itant of said ' „ � p <br /> ad oinin� as afoi s�.id,by 1�im, ber, or them possesse�l on the first da,y of ��ay�ext,in his, her, or �ly.eit own ii�ht or the�rigl��-c��others,lying within <br /> J g <br /> saicl town or place, impt•oved or not impruved, (�la��iLnP�����t,lo�a t�e,#'irpt dl�y of i��y,,acco��i��ito thetjist v luelth��of1;1and"upozin�nlre�ident <br /> other place� wl�etlier sucl�owners restcle within -, <br /> propri�tors of real estate, lying within suchts �,ndctivhere�thereli�rz�ola�aee�ei�,t�e l�.�n llorclatoji Bn1�tr5e to�s�ch ten�t neihalf thetax aand al.o <br /> all agreemei�ts bet��eex► landlorcts and tenan , <br /> on tl�e inh�bitants.of siich to�vn, district, or oti��a P�s°ect've aer o21�.1 ept�t si, i nl�din� all r:a�1ey a� inte�e�t m�o eetli�n tTi�pay interes afor,a da 11 <br /> aceording to tize pro�oition o�f the �mount of tl p p <br /> other debts d�ie to them more than they are indentefo�oa,bm�e�olf tu�kike�roacl; �ra�haresi i��anL,y ther ncl��ota ed com�any pos essing taxable <br /> anct shares, or property in any incorporated com��. y � � l� <br /> property, according to the just value thereof, arld �t home omabroacl �wli h�all their �tores and ppult x�nces andlall5plel�surelca iiagesu draj�vn by <br /> employed in manufactorie�, vessels c�f all kmds, � <br /> one or more horses; harses, mules and neat catels�cti e�f r ci cts,ras afore ala�,from any prof 5�icznXhandict�a.ft�,tradeUor m�lo�tment, or g�i ed by <br /> of the incomes of the inhabitants, ��vitf�in your r p p <br /> ti�ading by sea o2 on land, and all other Pdpdoll r�inhvalue,wea ing�a�parel,�fa��n n�ntens ls,�tools fof mhechanpcs,enece s�ry for�c�iyin��n the r <br /> household f�zrniture less than one thousan <br /> business, and s�lt ��orks for the mantifacture of salt; also t�heo herhl lace l�uvhereiu he m�T be�.n 1 abitant eon thensa d efi��t day of 1VIay,notwi h� <br /> or neat cattle, is to be taxed therefor in the town, district, p , <br /> st�.nding any of said creatures may have been sent t�O �o tax tatesixl�er centum on thaetv h e tlnere�of,cexcept ngiunimpAo ed lands,twhiclm areatotbe <br /> kinds of property which by this act you are require � p <br /> e�timated at two per centum on the valua thereof. And you are also required to assess on the polls and estates as aforesaid,within the sa�id town o <br /> �_ ,- :� <br /> � a the additional sum of � =�'�� - �� � �� � ��� -��- � <br /> -;, ;�T ` bein; the sum charged to the said town, by the act �,foresaid for tlze pay of Representatives; ancl <br /> � ion said adclitional suru in the proportian vvhich sacli polls �tucl estates shall be�espectivel stinc�t colum�s at person n2am�hov�r <br /> ____-, _ <br /> to appoit <br /> � san� Dolla�s. You are like��vise required to make a fair list of such assesslnents, settin� foxth in i � <br /> o mu�h ��e or she i� assessed for polls, how much for real esto�e f�na 11Oestate in his orehernpo sessioian n trust, to be d stinetly e pressed� and f al o <br /> pre�cribed at the foot of said I ax Act, and if as guardian, y <br /> insert in the rate bills� the number of acres of unimproved land which you may tax to each of the non-resident pro��rietars of lands within said <br /> � �� ' _ � �> > � or other place adjoi�ing, as aforesaid; and also the real value at which vou may estimate the same; and the list <br /> or lists so oompleted and si�ned by you� in manner as afores�,id, or by the major part of you, to the collector or collectors, constable or <br /> constables of said `9 ` ': ��9 ' with a warrant or �varrants, in due form of law, for collectin� and paying the same to the <br /> T <br /> reasurer of the Commonwealth, on ar before the first day of April, 1824, anrl to return a certificate of the name or names of such collector or <br /> collectors, c�nstable or constables, with the sum total tc� each of���eof lawmitHer of��ou are�not t oaileas you vv'll answertyour neglect atllthe pe il <br /> next; a�d make and subscribe a certificate of the same in due f <br /> af the law. <br /> GI�E,1N under my Hand and �"eal� at Bosto7a� the fi�st da� of �tpril� in tlie year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and <br /> -° � ' .��� � �': <br /> tzventy three. � c <br /> �_ � � .; � ;�.� �. ��;��`=��`�"��-,,f-�-�'--' �:�., <br /> ,-�.� ..,. . � <br /> is desi�able that the Certificate of Assessment �hould be returnsc� to t�ie �'reasumy O�"ice, «some time before the first day of December <br /> 1V. 8....It , <br /> next�" �ccordin� ta the requisition �f the la�e�. � <br /> �1�`or�n �f the Certificat� is in the fi�st voLzcme of the La2vs of this Commonu+ealth,pa��,e 279. <br />