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<br />Hanscom Field Advisory Commission <br />Minutes – 19 July 2022 <br />Prepared by Massport Staff <br />Video of HFAC Meeting on the Lincoln, MA Live Streams Page: <br /> <br /> <br /> Call to Order: HFAC Chairman Christopher Eliot called the meeting to order at 7:01pm <br /> <br /> Announcements: <br /> Chairman Eliot recording HFAC Meeting; welcomed all to 19 July meeting pursuant to current law <br />o Governor Baker signed law on 16 July extending expiration of Open Meeting Law to 31 March 2023 <br /> Chris McCann provided three years of Airnoise complaint data to Chairman Eliot; will discuss later in Agenda <br /> Chairman Eliot shared question from a Lincoln news group about a weekly helicopter around 11:30pm to midnight <br />o Flies over Old Concord Road in Lincoln; Amber Goodspeed will investigate possible aircraft <br /> Chairman Eliot noted Annual State of Hanscom will be presented as part of the normal agenda for the meeting <br /> <br /> Minutes: The June 2022 Meeting Minutes were reviewed for approval <br /> The June 2022 Meeting Minutes were approved unanimously with the following amendment: <br />o Change to last name for Julie from “McCray” to “McCay” in the Attendees section <br /> <br /> Cargo or Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services <br /> Chairman Eliot asked Massport the two questions about Cargo and Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services <br />o Amber Goodspeed responded Massport has not been approached by heavy cargo or commercial scheduled <br />passenger service <br /> <br /> Monthly Noise Reports: Amber Goodspeed presented the June Report and noted that: <br />In June 2022 as compared to June 2021: <br /> 7am - 11pm operations decreased 6.7% in June 2022 <br /> Singles (including touch and goes) decreased 20.0% in June 2022 <br /> Turbo activity increased 16.2% in June 2022 <br /> Jet operations increased 20.1% in June 2022 <br /> Helicopter activity decreased 0.7% in June 2022 <br /> Night Operations (11pm-7am) increased from 210 in June 2021 to 270 in June 2022, a 28.6 % increase <br /> Barbara Katzenberg questioned if US Open induced an increase in noise reports; charts show numbers <br /> Chairman Eliot requested number of noise monitors be returned to the report on page six <br /> <br /> Capital Programs and Third Party Development Reports: Amber Goodspeed presented the Capital Programs and <br />Third Party Development reports and noted that: <br /> The Vegetation Management Plan was completed in July; all work completed in Jordan Conservation Area <br /> Relocation of Salt Storage Shed has been funded for fiscal year 2024, work in second half of calendar year 2023 <br /> Ross Aviation has been acquired by Atlantic Aviation and construction is ongoing <br /> T-Hangar relocation construction is scheduled to be completed in October of 2022; construction ongoing <br /> Taxiway Romeo maintenance activities to begin 01 August; trucks Mon-Fri during regular business hours <br />o Emily Mitchell queried about movement of trucks on site; 8-10 is estimated average of daily truck trips <br /> Runway 05/23 rehabilitation scheduled for summer of 2023; additional project information is upcoming <br />o Construction activity expected to be primarily via Hanscom Drive while working on south part of runway <br /> <br /> Agenda Items: Topics discussed on published agenda: <br /> Amber Goodspeed presented the State of Hanscom report: report provides a brief overview of Massport, Hanscom <br />Field history, traffic comparisons, financial results for fiscal year 2021 and economic benefits <br />o Full report discussed can be accessed at <br />o The 124,566 operations in 2021 indicate a 25% increase compared to 2020 and 3.2% decrease compared to 2019 <br />o In 2021 Massport continued vegetation management program to identify and remove dangerous obstructions <br />o Airport rescue, firefighting and Customs and Border Protection facilities have standardized procedures across all <br />three Massport airports in order to enhance safety and coordination efforts