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<br />Hanscom Field Advisory Commission <br />Minutes – 17 May 2022 <br />Prepared by Massport Staff <br />Video of HFAC Meeting can be found on the Lincoln, MA Live Streams Page: <br /> <br /> <br /> Call to Order: HFAC Chairman Christopher Eliot called the meeting to order at 7:01pm <br /> <br /> Announcements: <br /> Chairman Eliot recording HFAC Meeting; welcomed all to 17 May meeting pursuant to Chapter 22 of Acts of 2022 <br /> Chairman Eliot reminded HFAC of new email to reach the Chairman on HFAC business <br /> Chairman Eliot shared article about lead poisoning in the Midwest; not specifically linked to aviation <br /> Chairman Eliot pointed out that Cape Air signed deal to purchase 75 electric aircraft <br /> Chairman Eliot received information from the Lincoln Board of Selectmen that using a Google drive for open <br />meetings is allowable if follow certain procedures; only one member can edit to avoid sequential discussion <br />o Chairman Eliot queried HFAC if think he should set one up as a way to distribute information <br />o Emily Mitchell agreed as long as Town Counsel approves and posted on Town website; easier for the public <br /> Chairman Eliot would like to get digital copies of the old HFAC minutes to archive <br />o Barbara Katzenberg commented that it is always desirable to have as much documentation accessible as possible <br />o Amber Goodspeed added Massport has some years of digital and paper copies that would need to be scanned <br /> Chairman Eliot divulged that Boston Med Flight purchased a new medically configured Cessna Citation CJ4 jet <br />o Thomas Hirsch provided more on Boston Med Flight and their achieving 90,000 patient transport milestone <br /> Chairman Eliot dropped Quiet Communities survey into Chat; requesting fill and return <br /> Chairman Eliot put article from WBUR into Chat about Massport airport renovations over coming years <br /> <br /> Minutes: The April 2022 Meeting Minutes were reviewed for approval <br /> The April 2022 Meeting Minutes were approved unanimously with no amendments <br /> Mark Wimmer noted he changed link in header of Minutes to reflect new location to access HFAC recordings <br /> <br /> Cargo or Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services <br /> Chairman Eliot asked Massport the two questions about Cargo and Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services and <br />specifically asked whether Cape Air electric aircraft will operate out of Hanscom Field <br />o Amber Goodspeed responded Massport has not been approached by heavy cargo or commercial scheduled <br />passenger service and she was not aware that new Cape Air electric aircraft will operate out of Hanscom Field <br /> <br /> Monthly Noise Reports: Amber Goodspeed presented the April Report and noted that: <br />In April 2022 as compared to April 2021: <br /> 7am - 11pm operations increased 7.0% in April 2022 <br /> Singles (including touch and goes) decreased 6.5% in April 2022 <br /> Turbo activity increased 37.3% in April 2022 <br /> Jet operations increased 29.3% in April 2022 <br /> Helicopter activity decreased 5.7% in April 2022 <br /> Night Operations (11pm-7am) increased from 136 in April 2021 to 230 in April 2022, a 69.1 % increase <br /> <br /> Capital Programs and Third Party Development Reports: Amber Goodspeed presented the Capital Programs and <br />Third Party Development reports and noted that: <br /> Salt Storage Shed relocation project has been funded for fiscal year 2023; step in right direction <br /> Pre-construction activity has begun at Ross Aviation Pine Hill construction area; fencing and job trailer setup <br /> Designation of the development plan for construction at the North Airfield anticipated at the June Board Meeting <br /> T-Hangar relocation project is ongoing; no anticipation of large truck work anytime soon <br /> Massport is planning on 2022 ESPR update; there will be a public scoping meeting <br />o Emily Mitchell queried about schedule of scoping meeting; will be posted on Massport website when available <br /> <br /> <br />