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<br /> Hanscom Field Advisory Commission <br />Minutes – 15 February 2022 <br />Prepared by Massport Staff <br />Video of HFAC Meeting can be found on the BEDFORD TV YouTube Channel <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Call to Order: HFAC Chairman Christopher Eliot called the meeting to order at 7:03pm <br /> <br /> Announcements: <br /> Chairman Eliot recording HFAC Meeting; welcomed all to 15 Feb meeting; dropped three documents into the chat <br /> Chairman Eliot was honored to have Chris McCann, inventor of the Airnoise button, presenting <br /> Chairman Eliot shared the electric Alice aircraft is being developed by Israeli company Eviation in Arlington, WA <br /> Mike Vatalaro announced he did meet with a new temporary FAA representative who indicated he was willing to <br />come to future HFAC <br /> Chairman Eliot added law proposed by Massachusetts State Representative Sheila Harrington in the chat <br />o Proposed law would prohibit training maneuvers within two miles of a hospital <br /> <br /> Minutes: The January 2022 Meeting Minutes were reviewed for approval <br /> The January 2021 Meeting Minutes were approved unanimously with the following amendments <br />o Change “Board of Selectman” to “Select Board” <br />o Add second “l” to Mitchell <br />o Add “as far as she knows, Bedford has not received any applications for 5G” <br /> <br /> Cargo or Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services <br /> Chairman Eliot asked Massport the two questions about Cargo and Scheduled Commercial Passenger Services <br /> Amber Goodspeed responded to the best of her knowledge, Massport has not been approached by heavy cargo or <br />commercial scheduled passenger service <br /> <br /> Agenda Items: Topics discussed on published agenda: <br /> Airnoise Inventor Chris McCann gave a presentation of his <br />o Provides alternate method to file noise complaints by paying monthly fee for service <br />o Software provides information to user by correlating aircraft in cylinder over user address at time of submission <br /> Kay Corry Aubrey queried on how to sign up for an account, type of products and cost; can go to <br /> Emily Mitchell questioned if the button gets overloaded; Airnoise user can only file one complaint per minute <br /> Thomas Hirsch asked for summary of aircraft type and altitude: Mr. McCann would be happy to provide report <br /> Dan Henry asked if terrain is taken into account; Mr. McCann indicated data can be seen in MSL or AGL <br />o Asked if one user can sign up for multiple airports; users need to submit request to <br />o Asked why sometimes aircraft cannot be identified; Mr. McCann quoted problems with legacy system <br /> Patty Dahlgren wanted to confirm Massport receives information seen on user dashboards; confirmed yes <br /> Chris Boles queried about geographical information collection for citizen groups; anonymized data provided <br /> Jennifer Boles asked about issue tagging aircraft for overlapping airports; Airnoise picks closer aircraft not airport <br />o Wanted to know if Airnoise can track ground noise; Airnoise system excludes aircraft on ground <br /> <br /> Monthly Noise Reports: Amber Goodspeed presented the January Report and noted that: <br />In January 2022 as compared to January 2021: <br /> 7am - 11pm operations decreased 0.9% in January 2022 <br /> Singles (including touch and goes) decreased 18.8% in January 2022 <br /> Turbo activity increased 0.9% in January 2022 <br /> Jet operations increased 25.4% in January 2022 <br /> Helicopter activity increased 1.5% in January 2022 <br /> Night Operations (11pm-7am) increased from 135 in January 2021 to 154 in January 2022, a 14.1 % increase <br /> Calendar year to date operations are down 6.1% in 2022 compared to 2019 <br /> Barbara Katzenberg thanked Massport for including the EXP definition and summary; makes it easier to read