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Thursday,April 20, 2000 minutes for 4/18 meeting Page:4 <br /> group, provide the grass roots opinions of the community and that the <br /> CPG will also provide diversity as they review our reports. <br /> Agenda Item 6. <br /> To start the discussion of our goals, Tom Harden asked group members to <br /> list the issues that needed to be discussed. The following issues were <br /> suggested: <br /> 1. The conflict between no growth and managed growth <br /> 2. The need to add a sustainability objective to Goal 6 <br /> Marianne Lazarus expressed the desire for the group to address the <br /> results of actions taken as part of our goals. The group decided that <br /> our vision statement should assume certain outcomes, which would then <br /> allow us to work back to the goals and actions -- not try to forecast <br /> the results of actions. <br /> The group discussed what "managed growth" means versus "no growth. " <br /> John Frey suggested that perhaps we should be talking about "change" <br /> rather than growth. Maybe we should not say "no growth" but rather allow <br /> more density in some areas, less density in others, to try to improve <br /> the quality of development, and end up with a better town than we <br /> started with. <br /> Tom Harden and Jerry Moloney brought up the concept of "filters" that <br /> we can define that would make sure that the kind of growth we want <br /> occurs. <br /> Tom reiterated that we need to focus on how we want the town to look in <br /> 20 years. <br /> Mike Hanauer explained that when he talks of "no growth, " he is talking <br /> 'bout growth within various frameworks (amount of population, traffic <br /> ✓olume, water usage) -- we must figure out how to find solutions to <br /> growth problems within the frameworks. <br /> The group started discussing objective 1.2 from the draft goals <br /> document. <br /> Several people objected to the suggestion that all development on <br /> previously <br /> undeveloped land should stop. <br /> Karl Kastorf moved that we remove objective 1.2 from the goals document. <br /> Lee Sinai seconded the motion. There was further discussion, including <br /> suggestions that we merely modify the content of 1.2 to fit it into <br /> objective 061 PretLi': <br /> 1.1. A vote was taken on the motion, and it was passed 9 yes votes to 4 <br /> no votes. Att dVeu.'S <br /> Lo u e to <br /> Further discussion about issues related to undeveloped buildable lots (pApattt, t) <br /> indicated <br /> divergent opinions within the group and no consensus was reached on how Pt <br /> these <br /> issues should be treated in our report. <br /> Mike Hanauer read his proposed objective to be added to goal 6. This <br /> objective <br /> referred to implementing sustainability at the town level. <br /> Karl Kastorf noted that he does not understand what sustainability is, <br /> which <br /> tarted a group discussion of whether a specific objective related to <br /> justainability <br /> should be included in the goals document. Tom Harden and others stated <br /> mai lbox:/Macintosh%2OHD/System%20Folder/ <br /> Preferences/Netscape%20Users/ <br />