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Date Made or <br /> Ineutored* To Whom Due Address, Purpose <br /> Amount" <br /> ............ <br /> 'Total liabilities on this report <br /> Total liabilities,previously reported and currently OLItstandino <br /> Total Outstanding, 'liabilities <br /> A promise to pay exists and alust be reported if the corporation or organization has(1) made an express or implied promise to <br /> give, pay,expend or contribute money or anything of value,or(2),knows or reasonably should know that it will be <br /> responsible for paying for a good or service. A liability exists and must be reported if the corporation or organization has <br /> received a good or service which it has not paid for even if the corporation or organization has not received a bill or invoice. <br /> If the amount of the liability has not been determined or is, in dispute,the liability shoUld be estimated of-I reported as`4 to be <br /> determined`01,""in dispute." <br /> I certify that this report is a true statement of the arnOLInt or valUe of every gift, paynient,, expenditUre or contribution or <br /> promise to give, pay, expend or contribute in order to influence or affect the vote oil the question referenced on the <br /> front of this report, together with the date., purpose, and full naine and address of the person to whoin it was made. I <br /> make this report in accordance with the reqUirenlents of MassachUsetts General L(aws, Chapter 55, Section 22, as <br /> amended. <br /> Si ed u i-th p walties ofperjui-y: <br /> C i+Ae LES LAAR <br /> Treasurer Signature Print Name Date <br /> M.G.L.Chapter 55,Section 22 states in part: <br /> Ae treasurer of coyoralion, association, organization or other, roup ref j)ersons, other than a,political connnittee orgaidzed tinder Section <br /> 5, w rhas,(,fiveti,1)ai(t e-yended Or contribillet"l, 01promise(I tog4-e,/)ql,,� e.yelld or Contribille, cull,1141.14 Or other thin.�,,qfvahte in ortler to <br /> infliterwe or t�j�'cf the vote oti aqJ�question submitied to the volers shallfile rqnxis sell il ig J"0 rth the aniount or value qj'eiwry,gifi,pownetil, <br /> expOldinire or contribt,ttion or In-onItse to give,pav,, expend or contribute, together with the date,mil-pose ancljiill nalne and 4 ddress'00he <br /> person to,whom it was made, <br /> �fihe quesfion al.7pears,on ballots at o city or lown election or c­ipt)ears on ballots.,for use in a cily or town cit a state election,such rel,)ort shall be <br /> filed with the city or town clerk asJbIloi+,s. 1),the ei�qhth dqy preceding a 1)relin-jin(jj-j,,()p pl-if, <br /> 1 1001), I'I?C1nditkg a caucits, the eighth dc,1,In-eceding <br /> a city or town election and, if a city election, (is afincil rej,)ort, the tweiniedi . -tj�p Irs/ <br /> ('(I')QN6071101Y it"the Ofloiving year, cojn1)lele os oj"Ille"111b -J <br /> dqv ol'Deceinber ofthe 12rior vear citid, il'a toit'n eleclion, cis Ofina/rel,)ort. the Harr tic <br /> d(1vfi)1l(m,,v*ng such election,- (2) the eighth dav pi-eceding, <br /> ast)ecicll 1)rinlarl,�, hichidilig(I ceillcus, //I("-eighth&I'll,In-ceedinic,a sl)ecial e/ectim,and, (is(I flno/r(worl" /lie Iflirtieth day 161lowing a s1wchil <br /> *N <br /> eleClion; (Vid(3)//W tWeillieth(M.,V01".10171141ty(�feochyeor, conq)leie"s"J"lle lllirrV-first clay(#'Deceinher cad'die prior v*,ear, itind all tteclare(l <br /> litibilities(?f mach corporation, associcition, organi_zatio),7 or other grolip ofpersons have been discharged.j'EYce,7tj6r the don, 20 report, till <br /> rel,)oats must be complete as of the preceding tenth day.I j <br /> Any corporation,association, organt.z7alion or other group OfPersons, other thon,a political col,nInittee orgoni:ed under soid section j, violatiikq <br /> aqv provision of this section shall be punished by afine of not more than$50,000 it 017Y officer, director oi-agent oj'utq such corl)oration, <br /> association, organi:otion or other group of persons violating arae provis'on I <br /> i hereof or olilhorLing ot�v such l,,iolaiion or ativ person 14,1741 violates <br /> 1110140171slot?hereofshall be minished by a n <br /> or in an"Y ivq),�knovt�in,�,-�y aids or abets the violation of am fine oj"nol 11jore 117a, $10"000 or ki, <br /> "finendin'll)"I'sonni("'Jil, <br /> 10/2008 <br />