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to request the h oderator to appoint a ^ommi ttee to obtain <br /> plans and specifications relative to the Proposed Locker <br /> Building for the Center Playground, and that the sum of ;600.00 <br /> be appropriated for same. The Members were in favor of going <br /> along with the Selectmen' s request. <br /> The next letter from the Selectmen pertained to the <br /> bulldozer which order has been cancelled. It gives the <br /> Superintendent of "'ebli c orks authorization to cancel this <br /> order which was placed in 1945. In this same letter, the <br /> Board further voted to recommend to the Town Meeting that the <br /> Road Mach' nery Account be increased from (26,000.00 to <br /> ?32,000.00; the 16,000.00 additional to be tr=ansferred from <br /> the Excess and Deficiency Account. Nothing was done on this <br /> as it was decided to get the complete story from the Board <br /> of Selectmen at the joint meeting later on this evening. <br /> The next letter read by Chairman Hoyt was the <br /> letter requesting the Appropriation Committee to mail the <br /> Report of the Committee on Parkin- Facia ties with the Ap- <br /> propriation Committee Report. There was a general discussion <br /> with regards to this , and finally Ronald D. Brorn made the <br /> following su ;esti_on: <br /> That a Rubber Stamp rith the following be put on <br /> the Report : <br /> "This report is distributed through the courtesy <br /> of the Appropriation Committee and does not necessar+ ly <br /> reflect its sentiments. " <br /> If any other reports are to be included in the <br /> Appropriation Committee Report, they must be marked in ac- <br /> cordance with the Rubber Stamp. <br /> The next item discussed concerned the Town Counsel, <br /> Mr. Lynch, who advised this Committee as to the law on land <br /> Purchase. Mr. Lynch stated that he was sorry that he mis- <br /> informed this Committee , but upon further cher'-ing the law, <br /> he found that that particular section referred to in his <br /> prev, lus letter applied only to Cities and not to Towns. <br /> It was stated that Mr. Tropeano was disturbed about the value <br /> approved by this Committee. As regards the Mulliken and <br /> Russell property, the price stated by the School Comm' ttee <br /> was about right; 35,000.00 for the Russell, and 35,50°.00 <br /> for the Mulliken property. It is further understood that <br /> the Ryders have reduced to writing the statement that they <br /> will sell the land requested on Waltham Street which amounts <br /> to approximai-ely 14 acres for X1,200.00 an acre. If, - however, <br /> when the proposed street is put through this property, they <br /> are to be further assessed, the price for this property will <br /> then be S'1,500.00 an acre. <br />