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, • �It�:A;�CE CCtf�.�i��IITT�E <br /> �+� �:, � � .�-�. r' <br /> � � d..��3�� ��_> ..� �,�'...�:.�,���� <br /> _-- —_....� — , <br /> Ntr'�5;ACMUS�.TT� <br /> .,:;.:. , - <br /> TC3: P�`i.7t�:U?'Ei�T��.i�? I'��G�:�:��Z, FTi�I..�iiCF' COi�i�ITTEF <br /> FP�.t�i,: P�o�ert �. 0'��eill, Ch�ir:an DAT'r'.: Janu�r� ?.2, 197� <br /> L�cloae�? p?ease �ind copies of the final budget fo�' the Minute�a�7 R�gional Vocational <br /> Teci�nical School - 1974�1975. <br /> Th� �udo�4 figures have been re�iucecl by so�:� ,�27,OOO.GO more than wa� indica��d at our <br /> lvs� meeting. The op�x�ating bud�et af $1,494,677.00 is $5,000.00 less than previo�sly <br /> indxc�r_ed. t�s you recall, there was a $5,000.00 item un��r Insuzanc� that cuuld not be <br /> explained and , thsrefoxe, has been used to reduce the op�ratiai� bud�et. In adcii.�ion, <br /> $22,955.00 accumu�ated in int�rest has been appl.ied against tha total bu�iget. This brin�s <br /> the tot�t reduction, as a result of our combin�d efforts to $258,000.00, whic�Z e�ceeds <br /> ��e mi.�im�.�m goal of $250,�00.00 wnici� we set a� our Coz:cord m�e�ing. <br /> I thinic that we have acco�plished what we set out to do. t�e h�ve organized a Regiarsal <br /> -_ Finan�Q Co�nitte�, been received and accepted by th� Region3� Sch�oi Board, reduced tha <br />� o�wra�ing buctget by 171v and filed legislaCion to make Regional Financ� Coa�mi�tees legal. <br /> At o��r last meeting those presen� w�re in favor of acceptinb the budget as it is no�� <br /> print��. I would like to be able to havz each of you pres.nt to your Financ� Cc�m.�-nitte�s <br /> this bud�et, as having ur.animously passed the Regional Finar.ce Cor.n.-na.ttee. Therefare, <br /> unless I specifically hear from any mec�ber negatively by January 3lst, the final budg�t <br /> sh�Il b� accepr�d as printed. <br /> �s 50flI1 a:� I h�ve mare information on the Bi11 i.n the l.egislature, I shall 3.niorr.i each <br /> of yau i.n order that we u�y have a united effoxt in c�ur P.epresentatives and <br /> Sp�ators co�;nizant of the fact that we are in favor of tti� bill. <br /> �3Qst regards, <br /> _ .' �- ���" / ",'"�'� <br /> C.-- <br /> Robert F. 0'Neill <br /> Rr0/s <br /> �nclasures <br />