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299 <br /> placed and maintained under permits issued by the <br /> Boar ; of Selectmen under General Laws , Ghnpter eighty- <br /> five , sections eight and nine , and arts in amendment <br /> thereof' and in addition thereto . " <br /> Art . 17 . To see if the town will amend section 4 of <br /> Article 11 of the Building By_ Law of the Town by <br /> substituting in line 9 for the word " selectmen " the <br /> words " a board of appeal appointed for that purpose <br /> by the selectmen" , and in lines 13 and 17 by sub - <br /> stituting for the word " selectmen " the words " such <br /> board of appeal " , or by any other means to provide <br /> for a board of appeal under the town Building By- Law . <br /> Art . 18 . To see if the Town will vote to authorize <br /> the Committee appointed to establish a permanent memorial <br /> to Vet ^ rans of all wars to install a tablet in memory <br /> of the men of Lexington who lost their lives in the <br /> World War , and appropriate and assess , or transfer sums <br /> of money for such purpose . <br /> Art . 19 . To see if the Town will vote to apnropriate <br /> and assess a sum of money to be expended by the Committee <br /> apnointed to " establish a permanent memorial to the <br /> Veterans of all wars in securing suitable designs , or act <br /> in any manner relating thereto . <br /> Art . 20 . To see if the Town will vote to install <br /> automatic traffic signals at any and all of the following <br /> intersections : Mnssachus,ntts Avenue at Waltham Street ; <br /> MQ- sc• achusetts Avenue at Clnr"re Street ; Bedford Street <br /> 6. t Elm Avenue : Waltham Street at Marrett Road and Woburn <br /> Street at Lowell Street , apnropriate money for same by <br /> direct apnrooriatinn , or by transfer from other accounts or <br /> by issue of bonds or notes . <br /> Art . 21 . To see if the Town will vote to install sewers <br /> in the following streets : Belfry Terrace , a distance of <br /> approximately 280 feet ; Massachusetts Avenue , from Audubon <br /> Road a distance of approximately 1025 feet and Oak Street <br /> from Baker Avenue a distance of approximately 160 feet , <br /> and appropriate money therefor by issue of bonds or notes <br /> or by direct appropriation , or act in any manner relating <br /> thereto . <br /> Art . 22 . To see if the Town will vote to appropriate money <br /> by direct appropriation , issuance of bonds or notes , or by <br /> transfer from Excess and Deficienby Account , for the following <br /> accounts . <br /> Massachusetts Avenue Land Damages <br /> April 19th Celebration <br /> Sidewalks ( Where abuttors will pay one- half the cost ) <br /> Sidewalks <br /> Granite Curbing <br /> Town Clerk <br /> ' Fire Department • <br /> Boned of Appeals <br /> or act in any manner relating thereto . <br /> Art . 23 . To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen <br /> to enter into negotiations with owners of land adjacent to <br /> the entrance to the Parker Field to purchase a portion of <br /> said land for the purpose of widening said entrance , app- <br /> ropriate money for this purpose by transfer or direct approp- <br /> riation , or act in any manner relating thereto . <br /> Art . 24 . To see if the Town will authorize the Board of <br /> Selectmen in the name of and in behalf of the town to enter <br /> into a contract in writing under the authority of Statute <br /> 1927 , Chapter 323 , with the United States Veterans � bureau <br />