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169Toted that the Town amerd the vote Adopted at the • <br /> Annusl Town Elesting„ MArch. 4 1935, And Adjourned <br /> t: Maroh 18, 1935, which lea as follows: <br /> • , <br /> s„.„••• •••-•-•MToted that .thenS4ilabtmtni be aUthorized to complete <br /> „'"•• „....••••••:-• thescemstructianstifsFloteant And Watetown Streets <br /> . . . ... • ' ••••::,,to--the...:Nel Candor . TtlitP1ke4 a distance of appromi <br /> mately 2809 feet, under Chapter gp or the 3emea7a1 <br /> Lae, and. Afteideeste4spevidIng---„theState ' and•-•••-County <br /> . . contribute a like Amount, and fortha purpose of <br /> said construction the ektm of -11",9„.,(...),00.00........,...bie appropriated <br />, an :•:•• and Asseseed" '„„so as to preidt.fer an appropriation. <br /> . , „ •- . <br /> • s •e of , •• . • 4 4 -• ,-, 7,1 p-,,---,,,.,,- .• <br /> of .49,000.„„„. for thesconetructoon. oca -portien of iscasdnt <br /> „ --... atd --Wnterteen Streete,. . tos"be„ 'andediln conjunction <br /> - •,... ..;'••••••,', •••••.'..,',.........,•••••9••••••••••••••• •withekoney to be...contributed by the Casimomwealth and <br /> . . <br /> he COrtvc.u „ „:„. •- . „ iCArriedUtanimeasly 8:28 FwN4 <br /> -,: . <br /> _ . <br /> ARITOT 26d• StIaCttan „Mrs: Ferguson offresthe :foIlowing motion. <br /> .........„...,„:„..... <br /> "" •••••„•:••••••'„,•••••„, .•••••••••77Tered-Htbat the• Ti..010.,. 'aPProprtate „and „tansfer the <br /> eirie of. $1;00.0frate the:: Encase and DefiCiency <br /> Account to be Aded te„ the • aproriatIon for the <br /> Construction St". -s portion of Pleasant and Watertown <br /> Streets„ to be. expendedin conjunct:Ion withmoney. i <br /> te be dentribUtedby „ the• CommObalealth-andlha--Counryt <br /> Carrled Unenisitely 8w30 P.M. <br /> ARTICLE 8s ",„„ ..Selectman Mr . Ferguson offerthe „tellowing motions <br /> •,"„•,•• •„" <br /> Voted that the Torn amend the. o ' at <br /> at the <br /> r,...i. , 7u71:. ••••• ••••••••••••:•••••••4: i•.••:•••••,:, •••E••••:•••••••••:•:•• • , -t••:•••• ••••,',,••••.----E ••••••••:•-•••:::7 , ,J, - • ... q <br /> • • '..1....: Annual. town Ineetang... ...Marco ao 19.3.5 -And Adjeurneu <br /> • ".. ,. ....,:a .. .„.„ s„..... ..• <br /> .„:„„:" '"'"' "„ •••• idd" M,srat IS 19Z ° 74tIct realt sr fellows: 'Voted <br /> , ,.,,t,,, ,,.: ,,,,,/... ..,,,,.. --,4,,p, ,4,,,. ,..., • r ......,.. ,,,,,,.. <br /> ..:'.. that th6 8a14ttmenbe anthorioSid to Construct <br /> .... H • . Lincoln Street, from Mtrrett .R00.4...,.It-4 a northeasterly <br /> „„i•••:•• •••••••• •••• •" . " direetten 'addataerP0:', 07,17, Zte70 .......feet1 under Chapter <br /> •••••••-to..............,,or '..:•••:',•••9.0 'st:" tl',,R--- .(74nersl. Latcs.„4- slod- raten'a404U, Providing <br /> •••• „„...„ •-„,„•••"••• the State: and. County Centribte a dike' amount, and <br /> Ao.°Pet +71- tete,,-, se aAle gaasseageiow. Is-is 4,44 se• <br /> .no 1,4,,,..,,, ,.,,,,„, ,, ,,,,4., ,...,‘,-,..,„ 4 ..4. ,,,,,.. ,,A..,,.....4.,...,,...,.., ,..,.. , ,,,,,,,,i,,,J, ,.. <br /> . ,,..... - ....• .. 4. .......... ... ....... . 4: <br /> 12i,0000 be appropriated and assesed", so as to <br /> provIde for en appropriation of <br /> . . the bonstruotten of a nortitn cf... .Lincoln Street., <br /> •••••„,:,:,,..,".•„,„:„„,...„,„• --fromivMtraCett'sPCad' Iit'''•••••MortheaeterlY,::„idirettion," " <br />• to be expended in conjunction with' Money to be <br />. contributed by... ..the.... Cammonwealth and the County. . <br /> . •. ,.. .:. ,,, ,,,. ,, ssa•••......... s.„... ..t. n......loy ,,,,„...... • „„... . j„,....„,...1„-••••„. _„..,_ „of_ j„,,,,,,„ <br /> •• • •••••• •• cauessie,m bz.., ..•,J.. ... serums of -n ous•-••anoe.„. o .me <br /> hr::'•'• ' 4-1E...• H..:..:::•:".....::,.:.':.••••:•;.:.. .::;:::::::::."-:::::•:.:..: <br /> to. be done. Emeleltd by'. 1- -zergusons <br /> ... .•. s... ... . •• <br /> Carried Unanimously A:7t. Poll. <br /> ARTICLE •94•••••• Selectman Mr. Ferguect''Offeis tteifollowing"motorr <br /> Voted that the Town make provisioner...for the disposal <br /> .... • .. ....-, ..„.014::• surfecedrAinAgelran7anebek•SStreSt. end private <br /> the densticactioniet„. drains dr.: conduits or <br /> the' diersaINF:Ston brirelseatder, Sifsbreekt., and for that <br /> , s: - -• ',„.• purposetAtie lands :' ase-ciente: by ri,thihent Domain, <br /> • the e and Providfor Da7717ertt therefor by the transfer <br /> • •• .... . ..... .:...::.,.:..::.,•:.•:.. .......:-... . •.:...... <br /> ....,•„,,,„,-,,,- „ of,„"„..g1,000. • froM. the Exceas -and 'Deficiency- adeOunLtt <br /> -to • <br /> Caroled Uhanirsouely elo35 Poll.. <br /> RTICLZ:SlOp CO Parguson offers the folicelng motiors . <br /> „... - ...••••••••-• ••• 17bred that the sum of 4155h95 be trersforred f-rm <br /> ...„.•••:„. • . .• ••••• the Water Depart:Cent Available Surclue Account <br /> to pay. en unpaid bill for Water MMintenarte for <br /> tte.: teeer 193,4 o • - •-sa,• ',rt.-- - „,ls,. .one-e- ,e. s,,,,.....-•••e a- <br /> tiarrIt7;11 unahaspessy cost.) r .ns <br /> nillTICLE 11. Selectman Mr. :ernson offers the following motion. <br /> Veted that the delectmer be Authorized to contsenot - <br /> : _granolithis sidewalk:a he. the shutting owner. <br /> . pa,,sta. one-halt' the.. .cost, and to nrovide - funds for <br /> said oonetruction by the transfer ofd. (,.300. from <br /> the Excess and. Deficiency nosount. <br /> Carried Unanimously 8: 37 FranT. <br />